
BedTool.groupby(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wraps bedtools groupby.

Example usage:

>>> a = pybedtools.example_bedtool('gdc.gff')
>>> b = pybedtools.example_bedtool('gdc.bed')
>>> c = a.intersect(b, c=True)
>>> d = c.groupby(g=[1, 4, 5], c=10, o=['sum'])
>>> print(d) 
chr2L   41      70      0
chr2L   71      130     2
chr2L   131     170     4
chr2L   171     200     0
chr2L   201     220     1
chr2L   41      130     2
chr2L   171     220     1
chr2L   41      220     7
chr2L   161     230     6
chr2L   41      220     7

For convenience, the file or stream this BedTool points to is implicitly passed as the -i argument to groupBy

Original BEDTools help::

Tool:    bedtools groupby 
Version: v2.31.1
Summary: Summarizes a dataset column based upon
         common column groupings. Akin to the SQL "group by" command.

Usage:   bedtools groupby -g [group**column(s)] -c [op**column(s)] -o [ops] 
         cat [FILE] | bedtools groupby -g [group**column(s)] -c [op**column(s)] -o [ops] 

        -i              Input file. Assumes "stdin" if omitted.

        -g -grp         Specify the columns (1-based) for the grouping.
                        The columns must be comma separated.
                        - Default: 1,2,3

        -c -opCols      Specify the column (1-based) that should be summarized.
                        - Required.

        -o -ops         Specify the operation that should be applied to opCol.
                        Valid operations:
                            sum, count, count**distinct, min, max,
                            mean, median, mode, antimode,
                            stdev, sstdev (sample standard dev.),
                            collapse (i.e., print a comma separated list (duplicates allowed)), 
                            distinct (i.e., print a comma separated list (NO duplicates allowed)), 
                            distinct**sort**num (as distinct, but sorted numerically, ascending), 
                            distinct**sort**num**desc (as distinct, but sorted numerically, descending), 
                            concat   (i.e., merge values into a single, non-delimited string), 
                            freqdesc (i.e., print desc. list of values:freq)
                            freqasc (i.e., print asc. list of values:freq)
                            first (i.e., print first value)
                            last (i.e., print last value)
                        - Default: sum

                If there is only column, but multiple operations, all operations will be
                applied on that column. Likewise, if there is only one operation, but
                multiple columns, that operation will be applied to all columns.
                Otherwise, the number of columns must match the the number of operations,
                and will be applied in respective order.
                E.g., "-c 5,4,6 -o sum,mean,count" will give the sum of column 5,
                the mean of column 4, and the count of column 6.
                The order of output columns will match the ordering given in the command.

        -full           Print all columns from input file.  The first line in the group is used.
                        Default: print only grouped columns.

        -inheader       Input file has a header line - the first line will be ignored.

        -outheader      Print header line in the output, detailing the column names. 
                        If the input file has headers (-inheader), the output file
                        will use the input's column names.
                        If the input file has no headers, the output file
                        will use "col**1", "col**2", etc. as the column names.

        -header         same as '-inheader -outheader'

        -ignorecase     Group values regardless of upper/lower case.

        -prec   Sets the decimal precision for output (Default: 5)

        -delim  Specify a custom delimiter for the collapse operations.
                - Example: -delim "|"
                - Default: ",".

        $ cat ex1.out
        chr1 10  20  A   chr1    15  25  B.1 1000    ATAT
        chr1 10  20  A   chr1    25  35  B.2 10000   CGCG

        $ groupBy -i ex1.out -g 1,2,3,4 -c 9 -o sum
        chr1 10  20  A   11000

        $ groupBy -i ex1.out -grp 1,2,3,4 -opCols 9,9 -ops sum,max
        chr1 10  20  A   11000   10000

        $ groupBy -i ex1.out -g 1,2,3,4 -c 8,9 -o collapse,mean
        chr1 10  20  A   B.1,B.2,    5500

        $ cat ex1.out | groupBy -g 1,2,3,4 -c 8,9 -o collapse,mean
        chr1 10  20  A   B.1,B.2,    5500

        $ cat ex1.out | groupBy -g 1,2,3,4 -c 10 -o concat
        chr1 10  20  A   ATATCGCG

        (1)  The input file/stream should be sorted/grouped by the -grp. columns
        (2)  If -i is unspecified, input is assumed to come from stdin.