Three brief examples¶
Here are three examples to show typical usage of pybedtools
. More
info can be found in the docstrings of pybedtools
methods and in the
Tutorial Contents.
You can also check out Shell script comparison for a simple
example of how pybedtools
can improve readability of your code with no
loss of speed compared to bash scripting.
Please take the time to read and understand the conventions
uses to handle files with different coordinate systems
(e.g., 0-based BED files vs 1-based GFF files) which are described
In summary,
Integer values representing start/stop are always in 0-based coordinates, regardless of file format. This means that all
objects can be treated identically, and greatly simplifies underlying code.String values representing start/stop will use coordinates appropriate for the format (1-based for GFF; 0-based for BED).
Example 1: Save a BED file of intersections, with track line¶
This example saves a new BED file of intersections between your files mydata/snps.bed
, adding a track line to the output:
>>> import pybedtools
>>> a = pybedtools.BedTool('mydata/snps.bed')
>>> a.intersect('mydata/exons.bed').saveas('snps-in-exons.bed', trackline="track name='SNPs in exons' color=128,0,0")
Example 2: Intersections for a 3-way Venn diagram¶
This example gets values for a 3-way Venn diagram of overlaps. This
demonstrates operator overloading of BedTool
objects. It assumes that
you have the files a.bed
, b.bed
, and c.bed
in your current working
directory. If you’d like to use example files that come with
, then replace strings like 'a.bed'
, which will retrieve the absolute path
to the example data file.:
>>> import pybedtools
>>> # set up 3 different bedtools
>>> a = pybedtools.BedTool('a.bed')
>>> b = pybedtools.BedTool('b.bed')
>>> c = pybedtools.BedTool('c.bed')
>>> (a-b-c).count() # unique to a
>>> (a+b-c).count() # in a and b, not c
>>> (a+b+c).count() # common to all
>>> # ... and so on, for all the combinations.
For more, see the pybedtools.scripts.venn_mpl
scripts, which wrap this functionality in
command-line scripts to create Venn diagrams using either matplotlib or Google
Charts API respectively. Also see the pybedtools.contrib.venn_maker
module for a flexible interface to the VennDiagram R
Example 3: Count reads in introns and exons, in parallel¶
This example shows how to count the number of reads in introns and exons in
parallel. It is somewhat more involved, but illustrates several additional
features of pybedtools
such as:
BAM file support (for more, see Working with BAM files)
indexing into Interval objects (for more, see Intervals)
filtering (for more, see Filtering)
streaming (for more, see Using BedTool objects as iterators/generators)
ability to use parallel processing
For more on using pybedtools
, continue on to the Tutorial Contents . . .