Source code for pybedtools.contrib.plotting

import os
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import collections
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pybedtools

[docs] class Track(collections.PolyCollection):
[docs] def __init__( self, features, chrom=None, ybase=0, yheight=1, visibility="dense", stranded=True, **kwargs ): """ Subclass of matplotlib's PolyCollection that can be added to an Axes. :param features: Can be an existing BedTool, or anything than can be used to create a BedTool (e.g., a filename or a generator of Interval objects) :param ybase: y-coord of the bottom edge of the track (in data coordinates) :param yheight: How high each feature will be, in data coordinates :param visibility: Mimics the settings in the UCSC Genome Browser: * "dense" is the default; overlapping features can be seen if you set alpha < 1. * "squish" prevents adjacent features from overlapping. This keeps `yheight` for all features, so if you have a lot of features piling up, the track will be a lot higher on the y-axis than `yheight`. :param stranded: If boolean and True, will draw arrrow-shaped features to indicate direction (where the point is 10% of the total gene length) If a dictionary, map strands to colors, e.g., {'+': 'r', '-': 'b'}. :param kwargs: Additional keyword args are passed to matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection. Notes: After creating a track, use the `ymax` attribute to get the max y-value used in the track -- useful if you've created a "squish" track but would like to stack another track on top, and need to calculate what the new Track's `ybase` should be. The returned PolyCollection will have the `features` attribute, which contains the BedTool it was created from -- so you can write callback functions for event handling, e.g.:: def callback(event): ''' prints the feature's line when clicked in the plot ''' coll = event.artist for i in event.ind: print coll.features[i] fig.canvas.mpl_connect('on_pick', callback) >>> a = pybedtools.example_bedtool('a.bed') >>> track = pybedtools.contrib.plotting.Track(a, alpha=0.5, picker=5) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> ax.add_collection(track) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS <pybedtools.contrib.plotting.Track object at 0x...> >>> limits = ax.axis('tight') """ if isinstance(features, pybedtools.BedTool) and isinstance( features.fn, str ): self.features = features else: self.features = pybedtools.BedTool(features).saveas() self._visibility = visibility self._ybase = ybase self._yheight = yheight self.stranded = stranded self._check_stranded_dict() facecolors = self._colors() kwargs.update(dict(facecolors=facecolors)) collections.PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts=self._get_verts(), **kwargs)
def _shape(self, feature, ybase, yheight): if self.stranded and not isinstance(self.stranded, dict): offset = len(feature) * 0.1 if feature.strand == "-": return [ (feature.stop, ybase), (feature.stop, ybase + yheight), (feature.start + offset, ybase + yheight), (feature.start, ybase + yheight * 0.5), (feature.start + offset, ybase), ] elif feature.strand == "+": return [ (feature.start, ybase), (feature.start, ybase + yheight), (feature.stop - offset, ybase + yheight), (feature.stop, ybase + yheight * 0.5), (feature.stop - offset, ybase), ] return [ (feature.start, ybase), (feature.start, ybase + yheight), (feature.stop, ybase + yheight), (feature.stop, ybase), ] def _get_verts(self): verts = [] if self._visibility == "dense": for feature in self.features: verts.append(self._shape(feature, self._ybase, self._yheight)) self.ymax = self._ybase + self._yheight if self._visibility == "squish": # Using "squish" mode will create multiple "strata" of features. # The stack keeps track of the end coord of the longest feature in # each strata # # Reasonably efficient -- <2s to plot 15K multiply-overlapping # features stack = [] ybase = self._ybase self.ymax = self._ybase + self._yheight for feature in self.features: ybase = None for i, s in enumerate(stack): if feature.start > s: ybase = self._ybase + i * self._yheight stack[i] = feature.stop break if ybase is None: ybase = self._ybase + len(stack) * self._yheight stack.append(feature.end) verts.append(self._shape(feature, ybase, self._yheight)) self.ymax = self._ybase + len(stack) * self._yheight return verts def _check_stranded_dict(self): if not isinstance(self.stranded, dict): return True if "+" not in self.stranded: raise ValueError( 'stranded dict "%s" does not have required ' 'key "+"' % self.stranded ) if "-" not in self.stranded: raise ValueError( 'stranded dict "%s" does not have required ' 'key "-"' % self.stranded ) return True def _colors(self): if not isinstance(self.stranded, dict): return None colors = [] for feature in self.features: try: colors.append(self.stranded[feature.strand]) except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'strand color dict "%s" does not have a key ' 'for strand "%s"' % (self.stranded, feature.strand) ) return colors def get_xlims(self, ax): """ Needs `ax` to convert to transData coords """ bb = self.get_datalim(ax.transData) return (bb.xmin, bb.xmax) @property def midpoint(self): return self._ybase + (self.ymax - self._ybase) / 2.0
class BinaryHeatmap(object): """ Class-based version of the `binary_heatmap` function for more flexibility. """ def __init__(self, bts, names): self.bts = bts self.names = names # Be flexible about input types _bts = [] for bt in bts: if isinstance(bt, pybedtools.BedTool): if not isinstance(bt.fn, str): bt = bt.saveas() _bts.append(bt.fn) elif isinstance(bt, str): _bts.append(bt) # Do the multi-intersection. self.results = pybedtools.BedTool().multi_intersect( i=_bts, names=names, cluster=True ) # If 4 files were provided with labels 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd, each line # would look something like: # # chr2L 65716 65765 4 a,b,c,d 1 1 1 1 # chr2L 71986 72326 1 c 0 0 1 0 # # The last four columns will become the matrix; save the class labels (5th # column) for a printed out report self.class_counts = defaultdict(int) _classified_intervals = defaultdict(list) self.matrix = [] for item in self.results: cls = item[4] self.class_counts[cls] += 1 self.matrix.append(item[5:]) _classified_intervals[cls].append(item) self.classified_intervals = {} for k, v in list(_classified_intervals.items()): self.classified_intervals[k] = pybedtools.BedTool(v) self.matrix = np.array(self.matrix, dtype=int) self.sort_ind = sort_binary_matrix(self.matrix) def plot(self, ax=None): if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # 1 = black, 0 = white; force origin='upper' so # that array's [0,0] is in the upper left corner. mappable = ax.imshow( self.matrix[self.sort_ind], aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest",, origin="upper", ) ax.set_xticks(list(range(len(self.names)))) ax.set_xticklabels(self.names, rotation=90) if ax is None: fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.25) return ax
[docs] def binary_heatmap(bts, names, plot=True, cluster=True): """ Plots a "binary heatmap", showing the results of a multi-intersection. Each row is a different genomic region found in at least one of the input BedTools; each column represents a different file. Black indicates whether a feature was found at that particular site. Rows with black all the way across indicates that all features were colocalized at those sites. `bts` is an iterable of BedTool objects or filenames; `names` is a list of labels to use in the plot and is exactly the same length as `bts`. If `plot=True`, then plot the sorted, labeled matrix with matplotlib. Returns (summary, m) where `summary` is a dictionary summarizing the results and `m` is the sorted NumPy array. See source for further details. """ bh = BinaryHeatmap(bts=bts, names=names) if plot: bh.plot() return bh.class_counts, bh.matrix
def sort_binary_matrix(m): """ Performs a column-weighted sort on a binary matrix, returning the new index """ # To impart some order in the matrix, give columns increasingly higher # weights... weights = [2 ** i for i in range(1, m.shape[1] + 1)[::-1]] # ...then create scores... score_mat = m * weights # ...and re-sort the matrix based on row sums (reversed so that highest # scores are on top) ind = np.argsort(score_mat.sum(axis=1))[::-1] return ind
[docs] def binary_summary(d): """ Convenience function useful printing the results from binary_heatmap(). """ s = [] for item in sorted(list(d.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): s.append("%s : %s" % (item)) return "\n".join(s)
[docs] class TrackCollection(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, config, yheight=1, figsize=None, padding=0.1): """ Handles multiple tracks on the same figure. :param config: A list of tuples that configures tracks. Each tuple contains a filename, BedTool object, or other iterable of pybedtools.Interval objects and a dictionary of keyword args that will be used to create a corresponding Track object, e.g.:: [ ('a.bed', dict(color='r', alpha=0.5, label='a')), (BedTool('a.bed').intersect('b.bed'), dict(color='g', label='b')), ] In this dictionary, do not specify `ybase`, since that will be handled for you. Also do not specify `yheight` in these dictionaries -- `yheight` should be provided as a separate kwarg to so that the `padding` kwarg works correctly. :param figsize: Figure size tuple of (width, height), in inches. :param padding: Amount of padding to place in between tracks, as a fraction of `yheight` """ self.config = config self.figsize = figsize self.yheight = yheight self.padding = padding for features, kwargs in self.config: if "ybase" in kwargs: raise ValueError( 'Please do not specify "ybase"; this ' "is handled automatically by the %s class" % self.__class__.__name__ ) if "yheight" in kwargs: raise ValueError( 'Please do not specify "yheight", ' "this should be a separate arg to the %s " "constructor" % self.__class__.__name__ )
def plot(self, ax=None): """ If `ax` is None, create a new figure. Otherwise, plot on `ax`. Iterates through the configuration, plotting each BedTool-like object as a separate track. """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) yticks = [] yticklabels = [] ybase = 0 i = 0 padding = self.yheight * self.padding # Reverse config because incremental Track plotting works from bottom # up; this plots user-provided tracks in order from top down for features, kwargs in self.config[::-1]: t = Track(features, yheight=self.yheight, ybase=ybase, **kwargs) ybase = t.ymax + padding ax.add_collection(t) if "label" in kwargs: yticklabels.append(kwargs["label"]) else: yticklabels.append(str(i)) i += 1 yticks.append(t.midpoint) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) ax.axis("tight") return ax
[docs] class BedToolsDemo(TrackCollection):
[docs] def __init__( self, config, method, data_path=None, result_kwargs=None, method_kwargs=None, title_kwargs=None, new_style=True, subplots_adjust=None, *args, **kwargs ): """ Class to handle BEDTools demos in a way that maintains flexibility. If the `config` list contains only one item, assume the method is one of the "-i" tools that only operate on one file. If the `config` list contains two items, then use the first as "-a" and the second as "-b". :param config: Either a list of (filename, options) tuples -- see docstring for TrackCollection for more info. :param method: Method of `BedTool` object to use, e.g., 'intersect' :param data_path: If not None, this path will be prepended to the files listed in `config` :param result_kwargs: Configuration for the results track. This isn't added to the config list because the results haven't been created yet... :param method_kwargs: Keyword argument that are passed to the method, e.g., `u=True` :param title_kwargs: Keyword args for plot title (the text itself will come from the command that was run; this is for things like font size) :param new_style: Edit commands so that they use the "new style" BEDTools calls ("bedtools intersect" rather than "intersectBed") :param subplots_adjust: Additional kwargs sent to the figure's subplots_adjust() method, e.g., `dict(top=0.7)` :param args: Addtional arguments sent to TrackCollection :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments sent to TrackCollection """ if method_kwargs is None: method_kwargs = {} if result_kwargs is None: result_kwargs = {} if title_kwargs is None: title_kwargs = {} self.title_kwargs = title_kwargs self.new_style = new_style self.subplots_adjust = subplots_adjust # convert lists to tuples, cause we're going to edit the paths config = [list(i) for i in config] if data_path: for conf in config: if not isinstance(conf[0], str): raise ValueError( "data_path was specified, so you need " "filenames in the config" ) conf[0] = os.path.join(data_path, conf[0]) bt1 = pybedtools.BedTool(config[0][0]) method = getattr(bt1, method) if len(config) == 2: result = method(config[1][0], **method_kwargs) elif len(config) == 1: result = method(**method_kwargs) else: raise ValueError( "`config` must have length 1 (for '-i' tools) or " "length 2 (for '-a -b' tools)." ) config.append((result, result_kwargs)) self.result = result super(BedToolsDemo, self).__init__(config, *args, **kwargs)
def plot(self, ax=None): ax = super(BedToolsDemo, self).plot(ax) cmds = self.result._cmds[:] if self.new_style: cmds[0] = ( "bedtools %s" % pybedtools.settings._prog_names[os.path.basename(cmds[0])] ) ax.set_title(" ".join([os.path.basename(i) for i in cmds]), **self.title_kwargs) if self.subplots_adjust: ax.figure.subplots_adjust(**self.subplots_adjust) return ax
[docs] class ConfiguredBedToolsDemo(BedToolsDemo):
[docs] def __init__(self, yaml_config, method, method_kwargs, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around BedToolsDemo class that reads in a YAML config file. Useful for using the same "style" configuration many times. Contents of `yaml_config` must be YAML versions of BedToolsDemo args and kwargs **except** `method` and `method_kwargs`. """ import yaml conf = yaml.load(open(yaml_config)) disallowed = ["method", "method_kwargs"] for dis in disallowed: if dis in conf: raise ValueError("'%s' cannot be provided in the YAML config" % dis) conf["method"] = method conf["method_kwargs"] = method_kwargs conf.update(kwargs) super(ConfiguredBedToolsDemo, self).__init__(**conf)
if __name__ == "__main__": """ bts = [ pybedtools.example_bedtool('BEAF_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed'), pybedtools.example_bedtool('CTCF_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed'), pybedtools.example_bedtool('Cp190_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed'), pybedtools.example_bedtool('SuHw_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed'), ] names = ['BEAF', 'CTCF', 'Cp190', 'Su(Hw)'] #bts = [ # pybedtools.example_bedtool('a.bed'), # pybedtools.example_bedtool('b.bed')] #names = ['a','b'] d, m = binary_heatmap(bts, names) print binary_summary(d) """ conf_file = pybedtools.example_filename("democonfig.yaml") data_path = pybedtools.example_filename("") # dir name ax1 = ConfiguredBedToolsDemo( conf_file, method="intersect", method_kwargs={}, data_path=data_path ).plot() ax2 = ConfiguredBedToolsDemo( conf_file, method="intersect", method_kwargs=dict(u=True), data_path=data_path ).plot()