
digraph inheritance11992ac205 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "trackhub.track.SubGroupDefinition" [URL="#trackhub.SubGroupDefinition",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; }
class trackhub.SubGroupDefinition(name, label, mapping, default='none')[source]

Bases: object

Represents a subgroup line in a composite track.

Instances of this class are provided to a composite track in order to define options for the subtracks’ groups.

  • name (str) – Name for the subgroup (e.g., “celltype”).

  • label (str) – The label that will be displayed (e.g., “Cell_Type”)

  • mapping (dict) –

    Dictionary of {tag: title}, where tag will be how subtracks access this group and title is how it will be displayed in the browser, e.g.:

      "ES": "Embryonic stem cell",
     "MEF": "Mouse embryonic fibroblast"

    Upon appending this SubGroupDefinition to a composite track, the options for the subtracks’ subgroups are required to come from the keys in the mapping. Continuing the example, “celltype=ES” would be a valid subgroup for a subtrack, but “celltype=other” would not since it’s not in the mapping dict above.

  • default (str) – Value to be used by subtracks if they don’t explicitly define this subgroup. Continuing the example, if a subtrack didn’t specify the “celltype” subgroup, then by default a “celltype=none” value will be added. This is necessary because subtracks must define a value for all groups.


__init__(name, label, mapping[, default])

Represents a subgroup line in a composite track.

__init__(name, label, mapping, default='none')[source]

Represents a subgroup line in a composite track.

Instances of this class are provided to a composite track in order to define options for the subtracks’ groups.

  • name (str) – Name for the subgroup (e.g., “celltype”).

  • label (str) – The label that will be displayed (e.g., “Cell_Type”)

  • mapping (dict) –

    Dictionary of {tag: title}, where tag will be how subtracks access this group and title is how it will be displayed in the browser, e.g.:

      "ES": "Embryonic stem cell",
     "MEF": "Mouse embryonic fibroblast"

    Upon appending this SubGroupDefinition to a composite track, the options for the subtracks’ subgroups are required to come from the keys in the mapping. Continuing the example, “celltype=ES” would be a valid subgroup for a subtrack, but “celltype=other” would not since it’s not in the mapping dict above.

  • default (str) – Value to be used by subtracks if they don’t explicitly define this subgroup. Continuing the example, if a subtrack didn’t specify the “celltype” subgroup, then by default a “celltype=none” value will be added. This is necessary because subtracks must define a value for all groups.