Source code for gffutils.interface

import collections
import os
import sqlite3
import shutil
import warnings
from gffutils import bins
from gffutils import helpers
from gffutils import constants
from gffutils import merge_criteria as mc
from gffutils.feature import Feature
from gffutils.exceptions import FeatureNotFoundError

def assign_child(parent, child):
    Helper for add_relation()
    Sets 'Parent' attribute to parent['ID']


    parent : Feature
        Parent Feature

    :param parent: parent Feature

    child : Feature
        Child Feature


    Child Feature
    child.attributes["Parent"] = parent["ID"]
    return child

# Reusable constant for FeatureDB.merge()
no_children = tuple()

def _finalize_merge(feature, feature_children):
    Helper for FeatureDB.merge() to update source and assign children property

    feature : Feature
        feature to finalise

        list of children to assign

    feature, modified
    if len(feature_children) > 1:
        feature.source = ",".join(set(child.source for child in feature_children))
        feature.children = feature_children
        feature.children = no_children
    return feature

[docs] class FeatureDB(object): # docstring to be filled in for methods that call out to # helpers.make_query() _method_doc = """ limit : string or tuple Limit the results to a genomic region. If string, then of the form "seqid:start-end"; if tuple, then (seqid, start, end). strand : "-" | "+" | "." Limit the results to one strand featuretype : string or tuple Limit the results to one or several featuretypes. order_by : string or tuple Order results by one or many fields; the string or tuple items must be in: 'seqid', 'source', 'featuretype', 'start', 'end', 'score', 'strand', 'frame', 'attributes', 'extra'. reverse : bool Change sort order; only relevant if `order_by` is not None. By default, results will be in ascending order, so use `reverse=True` for descending. completely_within : bool If False (default), a single bp overlap with `limit` is sufficient to return a feature; if True, then the feature must be completely within `limit`. Only relevant when `limit` is not None. """
[docs] def __init__( self, dbfn, default_encoding="utf-8", keep_order=False, pragmas=constants.default_pragmas, sort_attribute_values=False, text_factory=str, ): """ Connect to a database created by :func:`gffutils.create_db`. Parameters ---------- dbfn : str Path to a database created by :func:`gffutils.create_db`. text_factory : callable Optionally set the way sqlite3 handles strings. Default is str default_encoding : str When non-ASCII characters are encountered, assume they are in this encoding. keep_order : bool If True, all features returned from this instance will have the order of their attributes maintained. This can be turned on or off database-wide by setting the `keep_order` attribute or with this kwarg, or on a feature-by-feature basis by setting the `keep_order` attribute of an individual feature. Default is False, since this includes a sorting step that can get time-consuming for many features. sort_attributes_values : bool If True, then in cases where there are multiple values for an attribute then ensure they appear in the same order every time. This is typically only used for testing, in cases where it is important to have consistent ordering. pragmas : dict Dictionary of pragmas to use when connecting to the database. See for the full list of possibilities, and constants.default_pragmas for the defaults. These can be changed later using the :meth:`FeatureDB.set_pragmas` method. Notes ----- `dbfn` can also be a subclass of :class:`_DBCreator`, useful for when :func:`gffutils.create_db` is provided the ``dbfn=":memory:"`` kwarg. """ # Since specifying the string ":memory:" will actually try to connect # to a new, separate (and empty) db in memory, we can alternatively # pass in a sqlite connection instance to use its existing, in-memory # db. from gffutils import create if isinstance(dbfn, create._DBCreator): self.conn = dbfn.conn self.dbfn = dbfn.dbfn elif isinstance(dbfn, sqlite3.Connection): self.conn = dbfn self.dbfn = dbfn # otherwise assume dbfn is a string. elif dbfn == ":memory:": raise ValueError( "cannot connect to memory db; please provide the connection" ) else: if not os.path.exists(dbfn): raise ValueError("Database file %s does not exist" % dbfn) self.dbfn = dbfn self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfn) if text_factory is not None: self.conn.text_factory = text_factory self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.default_encoding = default_encoding self.keep_order = keep_order self.sort_attribute_values = sort_attribute_values c = self.conn.cursor() # Load some meta info # TODO: this is a good place to check for previous versions, and offer # to upgrade... c.execute( """ SELECT version, dialect FROM meta """ ) version, dialect = c.fetchone() self.version = version self.dialect = helpers._unjsonify(dialect) # Load directives from db c.execute( """ SELECT directive FROM directives """ ) self.directives = [directive[0] for directive in c if directive] # Load autoincrements so that when we add new features, we can start # autoincrementing from where we last left off (instead of from 1, # which would cause name collisions) c.execute( """ SELECT base, n FROM autoincrements """ ) self._autoincrements = collections.defaultdict(int, c) self.set_pragmas(pragmas) if not self._analyzed(): warnings.warn( "It appears that this database has not had the ANALYZE " "sqlite3 command run on it. Doing so can dramatically " "speed up queries, and is done by default for databases " "created with gffutils > (this database was " "created with version %s) Consider calling the analyze() " "method of this object." % self.version )
[docs] def set_pragmas(self, pragmas): """ Set pragmas for the current database connection. Parameters ---------- pragmas : dict Dictionary of pragmas; see constants.default_pragmas for a template and for a full list. """ self.pragmas = pragmas c = self.conn.cursor() c.executescript(";\n".join(["PRAGMA %s=%s" % i for i in self.pragmas.items()])) self.conn.commit()
def _feature_returner(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a feature, adding additional database-specific defaults """ kwargs.setdefault("dialect", self.dialect) kwargs.setdefault("keep_order", self.keep_order) kwargs.setdefault("sort_attribute_values", self.sort_attribute_values) return Feature(**kwargs) def _analyzed(self): res = self.execute( """ SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='sqlite_stat1'; """ ) return len(list(res)) == 1
[docs] def schema(self): """ Returns the database schema as a string. """ c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master """ ) results = [] for (i,) in c: if i is not None: results.append(i) return "\n".join(results)
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, Feature): key = c = self.conn.cursor() try: c.execute(constants._SELECT + " WHERE id = ?", (key,)) except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: c.execute( constants._SELECT + " WHERE id = ?", (key.decode(self.default_encoding),), ) results = c.fetchone() # TODO: raise error if more than one key is found if results is None: raise FeatureNotFoundError(key) return self._feature_returner(**results)
[docs] def count_features_of_type(self, featuretype=None): """ Simple count of features. Can be faster than "grep", and is faster than checking the length of results from :meth:`gffutils.FeatureDB.features_of_type`. Parameters ---------- featuretype : string Feature type (e.g., "gene") to count. If None, then count *all* features in the database. Returns ------- The number of features of this type, as an integer """ c = self.conn.cursor() if featuretype is not None: c.execute( """ SELECT count() FROM features WHERE featuretype = ? """, (featuretype,), ) else: c.execute( """ SELECT count() FROM features """ ) results = c.fetchone() if results is not None: results = results[0] return results
[docs] def features_of_type( self, featuretype, limit=None, strand=None, order_by=None, reverse=False, completely_within=False, ): """ Returns an iterator of :class:`gffutils.Feature` objects. Parameters ---------- {_method_doc} """ query, args = helpers.make_query( args=[], limit=limit, featuretype=featuretype, order_by=order_by, reverse=reverse, strand=strand, completely_within=completely_within, ) for i in self._execute(query, args): yield self._feature_returner(**i)
# TODO: convert this to a syntax similar to itertools.groupby
[docs] def iter_by_parent_childs( self, featuretype="gene", level=None, order_by=None, reverse=False, completely_within=False, ): """ For each parent of type `featuretype`, yield a list L of that parent and all of its children (`[parent] + list(children)`). The parent will always be L[0]. This is useful for "sanitizing" a GFF file for downstream tools. Additional kwargs are passed to :meth:`FeatureDB.children`, and will therefore only affect items L[1:] in each yielded list. """ # Get all the parent records of the requested feature type parent_recs = self.all_features(featuretype=featuretype) # Return a generator of these parent records and their # children for parent_rec in parent_recs: unit_records = [parent_rec] + list(self.children( yield unit_records
[docs] def all_features( self, limit=None, strand=None, featuretype=None, order_by=None, reverse=False, completely_within=False, ): """ Iterate through the entire database. Returns ------- A generator object that yields :class:`Feature` objects. Parameters ---------- {_method_doc} """ query, args = helpers.make_query( args=[], limit=limit, strand=strand, featuretype=featuretype, order_by=order_by, reverse=reverse, completely_within=completely_within, ) for i in self._execute(query, args): yield self._feature_returner(**i)
[docs] def featuretypes(self): """ Iterate over feature types found in the database. Returns ------- A generator object that yields featuretypes (as strings) """ c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT DISTINCT featuretype from features """ ) for (i,) in c: yield i
def _relation( self, id, join_on, join_to, level=None, featuretype=None, order_by=None, reverse=False, completely_within=False, limit=None, ): # The following docstring will be included in the parents() and # children() docstrings to maintain consistency, since they both # delegate to this method. """ Parameters ---------- id : string or a Feature object level : None or int If `level=None` (default), then return all children regardless of level. If `level` is an integer, then constrain to just that level. {_method_doc} Returns ------- A generator object that yields :class:`Feature` objects. """ if isinstance(id, Feature): id = other = """ JOIN relations ON relations.{join_on} = WHERE relations.{join_to} = ? """.format( **locals() ) args = [id] level_clause = "" if level is not None: level_clause = "relations.level = ?" args.append(level) query, args = helpers.make_query( args=args, other=other, extra=level_clause, featuretype=featuretype, order_by=order_by, reverse=reverse, limit=limit, completely_within=completely_within, ) # modify _SELECT so that only unique results are returned query = query.replace("SELECT", "SELECT DISTINCT") for i in self._execute(query, args): yield self._feature_returner(**i)
[docs] def children( self, id, level=None, featuretype=None, order_by=None, reverse=False, limit=None, completely_within=False, ): """ Return children of feature `id`. {_relation_docstring} """ return self._relation( id, join_on="child", join_to="parent", level=level, featuretype=featuretype, order_by=order_by, reverse=reverse, limit=limit, completely_within=completely_within, )
[docs] def parents( self, id, level=None, featuretype=None, order_by=None, reverse=False, completely_within=False, limit=None, ): """ Return parents of feature `id`. {_relation_docstring} """ return self._relation( id, join_on="parent", join_to="child", level=level, featuretype=featuretype, order_by=order_by, reverse=reverse, limit=limit, completely_within=completely_within, )
def _execute(self, query, args): self._last_query = query self._last_args = args c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute(query, tuple(args)) return c
[docs] def execute(self, query): """ Execute arbitrary queries on the db. .. seealso:: :class:`FeatureDB.schema` may be helpful when writing your own queries. Parameters ---------- query : str Query to execute -- trailing ";" optional. Returns ------- A sqlite3.Cursor object that can be iterated over. """ c = self.conn.cursor() return c.execute(query)
def analyze(self): """ Runs the sqlite ANALYZE command to potentially speed up queries dramatically. """ self.execute("ANALYZE features") self.conn.commit()
[docs] def region( self, region=None, seqid=None, start=None, end=None, strand=None, featuretype=None, completely_within=False, ): """ Return features within specified genomic coordinates. Specifying genomic coordinates can be done in a flexible manner Parameters ---------- region : string, tuple, or Feature instance If string, then of the form "seqid:start-end". If tuple, then (seqid, start, end). If :class:`Feature`, then use the features seqid, start, and end values. This argument is mutually exclusive with start/end/seqid. *Note*: By design, even if a feature is provided, its strand will be ignored. If you want to restrict the output by strand, use the separate `strand` kwarg. strand : + | - | . | None If `strand` is provided, then only those features exactly matching `strand` will be returned. So `strand='.'` will only return unstranded features. Default is `strand=None` which does not restrict by strand. seqid, start, end, strand Mutually exclusive with `region`. These kwargs can be used to approximate slice notation; see "Details" section below. featuretype : None, string, or iterable If not None, then restrict output. If string, then only report that feature type. If iterable, then report all featuretypes in the iterable. completely_within : bool By default (`completely_within=False`), returns features that partially or completely overlap `region`. If `completely_within=True`, features that are completely within `region` will be returned. Notes ----- The meaning of `seqid`, `start`, and `end` is interpreted as follows: ====== ====== ===== ====================================== seqid start end meaning ====== ====== ===== ====================================== str int int equivalent to `region` kwarg None int int features from all chroms within coords str None int equivalent to [:end] slice notation str int None equivalent to [start:] slice notation None None None equivalent to FeatureDB.all_features() ====== ====== ===== ====================================== If performance is a concern, use `completely_within=True`. This allows the query to be optimized by only looking for features that fall in the precise genomic bin (same strategy as UCSC Genome Browser and BEDTools). Otherwise all features' start/stop coords need to be searched to see if they partially overlap the region of interest. Examples -------- - `region(seqid="chr1", start=1000)` returns all features on chr1 that start or extend past position 1000 - `region(seqid="chr1", start=1000, completely_within=True)` returns all features on chr1 that start past position 1000. - `region("chr1:1-100", strand="+", completely_within=True)` returns only plus-strand features that completely fall within positions 1 to 100 on chr1. Returns ------- A generator object that yields :class:`Feature` objects. """ # Argument handling. if region is not None: if (seqid is not None) or (start is not None) or (end is not None): raise ValueError( "If region is supplied, do not supply seqid, " "start, or end as separate kwargs" ) if isinstance(region, str): toks = region.split(":") if len(toks) == 1: seqid = toks[0] start, end = None, None else: seqid, coords = toks[:2] if len(toks) == 3: strand = toks[2] start, end = coords.split("-") elif isinstance(region, Feature): seqid = region.seqid start = region.start end = region.end strand = region.strand # otherwise assume it's a tuple else: seqid, start, end = region[:3] # e.g., # completely_within=True..... start >= {start} AND end <= {end} # completely_within=False.... start < {end} AND end > {start} if completely_within: start_op = ">=" end_op = "<=" else: start_op = "<" end_op = ">" end, start = start, end args = [] position_clause = [] if seqid is not None: position_clause.append("seqid = ?") args.append(seqid) if start is not None: start = int(start) if end is not None: end = int(end) # See #129 if start and end and not completely_within: position_clause.append( """( ({region_start} <= start AND {region_end} >= start) OR ({region_start} >= start AND {region_end} <= end) OR ({region_start} <= end AND {region_end} >= end) )""".format( region_start=start, region_end=end ) ) else: if start: position_clause.append("start %s ?" % start_op) args.append(start) if end: position_clause.append("end %s ?" % end_op) args.append(end) position_clause = " AND ".join(position_clause) # Only use bins if we have defined boundaries and completely_within is # True. Otherwise you can't know how far away a feature stretches # (which means bins are not computable ahead of time) _bin_clause = "" if (start is not None) and (end is not None) and completely_within: if start <= bins.MAX_CHROM_SIZE and end <= bins.MAX_CHROM_SIZE: _bins = list(bins.bins(start, end, one=False)) # See issue #45 if len(_bins) < 900: _bin_clause = " or ".join(["bin = ?" for _ in _bins]) _bin_clause = "AND ( %s )" % _bin_clause args += _bins query = " ".join([constants._SELECT, "WHERE ", position_clause, _bin_clause]) # Add the featuretype clause if featuretype is not None: if isinstance(featuretype, str): featuretype = [featuretype] feature_clause = " or ".join(["featuretype = ?" for _ in featuretype]) query += " AND (%s) " % feature_clause args.extend(featuretype) if strand is not None: strand_clause = " and strand = ? " query += strand_clause args.append(strand) c = self.conn.cursor() self._last_query = query self._last_args = args self._context = { "start": start, "end": end, "seqid": seqid, "region": region, } c.execute(query, tuple(args)) for i in c: yield self._feature_returner(**i)
[docs] def interfeatures( self, features, new_featuretype=None, merge_attributes=True, numeric_sort=False, dialect=None, attribute_func=None, update_attributes=None, ): """ Construct new features representing the space between features. For example, if `features` is a list of exons, then this method will return the introns. If `features` is a list of genes, then this method will return the intergenic regions. Providing N features will return N - 1 new features. This method purposefully does *not* do any merging or sorting of coordinates. So nested or overlapping features may not behave as you might expect. You may want to use :meth:`FeatureDB.merge` first, and when selecting features use the `order_by` kwarg, e.g., `db.features_of_type('gene', order_by=('seqid', 'start'))`. Parameters ---------- features : iterable of :class:`feature.Feature` instances Sorted, merged iterable new_featuretype : string or None The new features will all be of this type, or, if None (default) then the featuretypes will be constructed from the neighboring features, e.g., `inter_exon_exon`. merge_attributes : bool If True, new features' attributes will be a merge of the neighboring features' attributes. This is useful if you have provided a list of exons; the introns will then retain the transcript and/or gene parents as a single item. Otherwise, if False, the attribute will be a comma-separated list of values, potentially listing the same gene ID twice. numeric_sort : bool If True, then merged attributes that can be cast to float will be sorted by their numeric values (but will still be returned as string). This is useful, for example, when creating introns between exons and the exons have exon_number attributes as an integer. Using numeric_sort=True will ensure that the returned exons have merged exon_number attribute of ['9', '10'] (numerically sorted) rather than ['10', '9'] (alphabetically sorted). attribute_func : callable or None If None, then nothing special is done to the attributes. If callable, then the callable accepts two attribute dictionaries and returns a single attribute dictionary. If `merge_attributes` is True, then `attribute_func` is called before `merge_attributes`. This could be useful for manually managing IDs for the new features. update_attributes : dict After attributes have been modified and merged, this dictionary can be used to replace parts of the attributes dictionary. Returns ------- A generator that yields :class:`Feature` objects """ def _init_interfeature(f): """ Used to initialize a new interfeature that is ready to be updated in-place. """ keys = [ "id", "seqid", "source", "featuretype", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "frame", "attributes", "bin", ] d = dict(zip(keys, f.astuple())) d["source"] = "gffutils_derived" return d def _prep_for_yield(d): """ Finalize the interfeature by adjusting coords, recalculating the bin, and creating a feature using self._feature_returner. If start is greater than stop (which happens when trying to get interfeatures for overlapping features), then return None. """ d["start"] += 1 d["end"] -= 1 new_bin = bins.bins(d["start"], d["end"], one=True) d["bin"] = new_bin if d["start"] > d["end"]: return None new_feature = self._feature_returner(**d) # concat list of ID to create uniq IDs because feature with # multiple values for their ID are no longer permitted since v0.11 if "ID" in new_feature.attributes and len(new_feature.attributes["ID"]) > 1: new_id = "-".join(new_feature.attributes["ID"]) new_feature.attributes["ID"] = [new_id] return new_feature # If not provided, use a no-op function instead. if not attribute_func: def attribute_func(a): return a for i, f in enumerate(features): # First feature: initialize an interfeature and continue to the next. if i == 0: interfeature = _init_interfeature(f) last_feature = f nfeatures = 1 continue # Yield the last interfeature (if we saw at least 2 features) and # start a new interfeature on this chrom. if f.chrom != last_feature.chrom: if nfeatures > 1: new_feature = _prep_for_yield(interfeature) if new_feature: yield new_feature interfeature = _init_interfeature(f) last_feature = f nfeatures = 1 continue # Otherwise, we've already seen a feature on this chrom so # this is the second. nfeatures += 1 # Adjust the interfeature dict in-place with coords... interfeature["start"] = last_feature.stop interfeature["end"] = f.start # ...featuretype if new_featuretype is None: interfeature["featuretype"] = "inter_%s_%s" % ( last_feature.featuretype, f.featuretype, ) else: interfeature["featuretype"] = new_featuretype # ...strand if last_feature.strand != f.strand: interfeature["strand"] = "." else: interfeature["strand"] = f.strand # and attributes if merge_attributes: new_attributes = helpers.merge_attributes( attribute_func(last_feature.attributes), attribute_func(f.attributes), numeric_sort=numeric_sort, ) else: new_attributes = {} if update_attributes: new_attributes.update(update_attributes) interfeature["attributes"] = new_attributes # Ready to yield new_feature = _prep_for_yield(interfeature) if new_feature: yield new_feature nfeatures = 1 last_feature = f
[docs] def delete(self, features, make_backup=True, **kwargs): """ Delete features from database. features : str, iterable, FeatureDB instance If FeatureDB, all features will be used. If string, assume it's the ID of the feature to remove. Otherwise, assume it's an iterable of Feature objects. The classes in gffutils.iterators may be helpful in this case. make_backup : bool If True, and the database you're about to update is a file on disk, makes a copy of the existing database and saves it with a .bak extension. Returns ------- FeatureDB object, with features deleted. """ if make_backup: if isinstance(self.dbfn, str): shutil.copy2(self.dbfn, self.dbfn + ".bak") c = self.conn.cursor() query1 = """ DELETE FROM features WHERE id = ? """ query2 = """ DELETE FROM relations WHERE parent = ? OR child = ? """ if isinstance(features, FeatureDB): features = features.all_features() if isinstance(features, str): features = [features] if isinstance(features, Feature): features = [features] for feature in features: if isinstance(feature, str): _id = feature else: _id = c.execute(query1, (_id,)) c.execute(query2, (_id, _id)) self.conn.commit() return self
[docs] def update(self, data, make_backup=True, **kwargs): """ Update the on-disk database with features in `data`. WARNING: If you used any non-default kwargs for gffutils.create_db when creating the database in the first place (especially `disable_infer_transcripts` or `disable_infer_genes`) then you should use those same arguments here. The exception is the `force` argument though -- in some cases including that can truncate the database. WARNING: If you are creating features from the database and writing immediately back to the database, you could experience deadlocks. See the help for `create_introns` for some different options for avoiding this. The returned object is the same FeatureDB, but since it is pointing to the same database and that has been just updated, the new features can now be accessed. Parameters ---------- data : str, iterable, FeatureDB instance If FeatureDB, all data will be used. If string, assume it's a filename of a GFF or GTF file. Otherwise, assume it's an iterable of Feature objects. The classes in gffutils.iterators may be helpful in this case. make_backup : bool If True, and the database you're about to update is a file on disk, makes a copy of the existing database and saves it with a .bak extension. kwargs : Additional kwargs are passed to gffutils.create_db; see the help for that function for details. Returns ------- Returns self but with the underlying database updated. """ from gffutils import create from gffutils import iterators if make_backup: if isinstance(self.dbfn, str): shutil.copy2(self.dbfn, self.dbfn + ".bak") # get iterator-specific kwargs _iterator_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in constants._iterator_kwargs: _iterator_kwargs[k] = v # Handle all sorts of input data = iterators.DataIterator(data, **_iterator_kwargs) if not data._peek: return self kwargs["_autoincrements"] = self._autoincrements if self.dialect["fmt"] == "gtf": if "id_spec" not in kwargs: kwargs["id_spec"] = {"gene": "gene_id", "transcript": "transcript_id"} db = create._GTFDBCreator( data=data, dbfn=self.dbfn, dialect=self.dialect, **kwargs ) elif self.dialect["fmt"] == "gff3": if "id_spec" not in kwargs: kwargs["id_spec"] = "ID" db = create._GFFDBCreator( data=data, dbfn=self.dbfn, dialect=self.dialect, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError db._populate_from_lines(data) db._update_relations() # Note that the autoincrements gets updated here db._finalize() # Read it back in directly from the stored autoincrements table self._autoincrements.update(db._autoincrements) return self
[docs] def add_relation(self, parent, child, level, parent_func=None, child_func=None): """ Manually add relations to the database. Parameters ---------- parent : str or Feature instance Parent feature to add. child : str or Feature instance Child feature to add level : int Level of the relation. For example, if parent is a gene and child is an mRNA, then you might want level to be 1. But if child is an exon, then level would be 2. parent_func, child_func : callable These optional functions control how attributes are updated in the database. They both have the signature `func(parent, child)` and must return a [possibly modified] Feature instance. For example, we could add the child's database id as the "child" attribute in the parent:: def parent_func(parent, child): parent.attributes['child'] = and add the parent's "gene_id" as the child's "Parent" attribute:: def child_func(parent, child): child.attributes['Parent'] = parent['gene_id'] Returns ------- FeatureDB object with new relations added. """ if isinstance(parent, str): parent = self[parent] if isinstance(child, str): child = self[child] c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute( """ INSERT INTO relations (parent, child, level) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", (,, level), ) if parent_func is not None: parent = parent_func(parent, child) self._update(parent, c) if child_func is not None: child = child_func(parent, child) self._update(child, c) self.conn.commit() return self
def _update(self, feature, cursor): values = [list(feature.astuple()) + []] cursor.execute(constants._UPDATE, *tuple(values)) def _insert(self, feature, cursor): """ Insert a feature into the database. """ try: cursor.execute(constants._INSERT, feature.astuple()) except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: cursor.execute(constants._INSERT, feature.astuple(self.default_encoding))
[docs] def create_introns( self, exon_featuretype="exon", grandparent_featuretype="gene", parent_featuretype=None, new_featuretype="intron", merge_attributes=True, numeric_sort=False, ): """ Create introns from existing annotations. Parameters ---------- exon_featuretype : string Feature type to use in order to infer introns. Typically `"exon"`. grandparent_featuretype : string If `grandparent_featuretype` is not None, then group exons by children of this featuretype. If `granparent_featuretype` is "gene" (default), then introns will be created for all first-level children of genes. This may include mRNA, rRNA, ncRNA, etc. If you only want to infer introns from one of these featuretypes (e.g., mRNA), then use the `parent_featuretype` kwarg which is mutually exclusive with `grandparent_featuretype`. parent_featuretype : string If `parent_featuretype` is not None, then only use this featuretype to infer introns. Use this if you only want a subset of featuretypes to have introns (e.g., "mRNA" only, and not ncRNA or rRNA). Mutually exclusive with `grandparent_featuretype`. new_featuretype : string Feature type to use for the inferred introns; default is `"intron"`. merge_attributes : bool Whether or not to merge attributes from all exons. If False then no attributes will be created for the introns. numeric_sort : bool If True, then merged attributes that can be cast to float will be sorted by their numeric values (but will still be returned as string). This is useful, for example, when creating introns between exons and the exons have exon_number attributes as an integer. Using numeric_sort=True will ensure that the returned exons have merged exon_number attribute of ['9', '10'] (numerically sorted) rather than ['10', '9'] (alphabetically sorted). Returns ------- A generator object that yields :class:`Feature` objects representing new introns Notes ----- The returned generator can be passed directly to the :meth:`FeatureDB.update` method to permanently add them to the database. However, this needs to be done carefully to avoid deadlocks from simultaneous reading/writing. When using `update()` you should also use the same keyword arguments used to create the db in the first place (with the exception of `force`). Here are three options for getting the introns back into the database, depending on the circumstances. **OPTION 1: Create list of introns.** Consume the `create_introns()` generator completely before writing to the database. If you have sufficient memory, this is the easiest option:: db.update(list(db.create_introns(**intron_kwargs)), **create_kwargs) **OPTION 2: Use `WAL <>`__** The WAL pragma enables simultaneous read/write. WARNING: this does not work if the database is on a networked filesystem, like those used on many HPC clusters. :: db.set_pragmas({"journal_mode": "WAL"}) db.update(db.create_introns(**intron_kwargs), **create_kwargs) **OPTION 3: Write to intermediate file.** Use this if you are memory limited and using a networked filesystem:: with open('tmp.gtf', 'w') as fout: for intron in db.create_introns(**intron_kwargs): fout.write(str(intron) + "\n") db.update(gffutils.DataIterator('tmp.gtf'), **create_kwargs) """ if (grandparent_featuretype and parent_featuretype) or ( grandparent_featuretype is None and parent_featuretype is None ): raise ValueError( "exactly one of `grandparent_featuretype` or " "`parent_featuretype` should be provided" ) if grandparent_featuretype: def child_gen(): for gene in self.features_of_type(grandparent_featuretype): for child in self.children(gene, level=1): yield child elif parent_featuretype: def child_gen(): for child in self.features_of_type(parent_featuretype): yield child for child in child_gen(): exons = self.children( child, level=1, featuretype=exon_featuretype, order_by="start" ) for intron in self.interfeatures( exons, new_featuretype=new_featuretype, merge_attributes=merge_attributes, numeric_sort=numeric_sort, dialect=self.dialect, ): yield intron
def create_splice_sites( self, exon_featuretype="exon", grandparent_featuretype="gene", parent_featuretype=None, merge_attributes=True, numeric_sort=False, ): """ Create splice sites from existing annotations. Parameters ---------- exon_featuretype : string Feature type to use in order to infer splice sites. Typically `"exon"`. grandparent_featuretype : string If `grandparent_featuretype` is not None, then group exons by children of this featuretype. If `granparent_featuretype` is "gene" (default), then splice sites will be created for all first-level children of genes. This may include mRNA, rRNA, ncRNA, etc. If you only want to infer splice sites from one of these featuretypes (e.g., mRNA), then use the `parent_featuretype` kwarg which is mutually exclusive with `grandparent_featuretype`. parent_featuretype : string If `parent_featuretype` is not None, then only use this featuretype to infer splice sites. Use this if you only want a subset of featuretypes to have splice sites (e.g., "mRNA" only, and not ncRNA or rRNA). Mutually exclusive with `grandparent_featuretype`. merge_attributes : bool Whether or not to merge attributes from all exons. If False then no attributes will be created for the splice sites. numeric_sort : bool If True, then merged attributes that can be cast to float will be sorted by their numeric values (but will still be returned as string). This is useful, for example, when creating splice sites between exons and the exons have exon_number attributes as an integer. Using numeric_sort=True will ensure that the returned exons have merged exon_number attribute of ['9', '10'] (numerically sorted) rather than ['10', '9'] (alphabetically sorted). Returns ------- A generator object that yields :class:`Feature` objects representing new splice sites Notes ----- The returned generator can be passed directly to the :meth:`FeatureDB.update` method to permanently add them to the database, e.g., :: db.update(db.create_splice sites()) """ if (grandparent_featuretype and parent_featuretype) or ( grandparent_featuretype is None and parent_featuretype is None ): raise ValueError( "exactly one of `grandparent_featuretype` or " "`parent_featuretype` should be provided" ) if grandparent_featuretype: def child_gen(): for gene in self.features_of_type(grandparent_featuretype): for child in self.children(gene, level=1): yield child elif parent_featuretype: def child_gen(): for child in self.features_of_type(parent_featuretype): yield child # Two splice features need to be created for each interleave for side in ["left", "right"]: for child in child_gen(): exons = self.children( child, level=1, featuretype=exon_featuretype, order_by="start" ) # get strand strand = child.strand new_featuretype = "splice_site" if side == "left": if strand == "+": new_featuretype = "five_prime_cis_splice_site" elif strand == "-": new_featuretype = "three_prime_cis_splice_site" if side == "right": if strand == "+": new_featuretype = "three_prime_cis_splice_site" elif strand == "-": new_featuretype = "five_prime_cis_splice_site" for splice_site in self.interfeatures( exons, new_featuretype=new_featuretype, merge_attributes=merge_attributes, numeric_sort=numeric_sort, dialect=self.dialect, ): if side == "left": splice_site.end = splice_site.start + 1 if side == "right": splice_site.start = splice_site.end - 1 # make ID uniq by adding suffix splice_site.attributes["ID"] = [ new_featuretype + "_" + splice_site.attributes["ID"][0] ] yield splice_site def _old_merge(self, features, ignore_strand=False): """ DEPRECATED, only retained here for backwards compatibility. Please use merge(). Merge overlapping features together. Parameters ---------- features : iterator of Feature instances ignore_strand : bool If True, features on multiple strands will be merged, and the final strand will be set to '.'. Otherwise, ValueError will be raised if trying to merge features on differnt strands. Returns ------- A generator object that yields :class:`Feature` objects representing the newly merged features. """ # Consume iterator up front... features = list(features) if len(features) == 0: raise StopIteration # Either set all strands to '+' or check for strand-consistency. if ignore_strand: strand = "." else: strands = [i.strand for i in features] if len(set(strands)) > 1: raise ValueError( "Specify ignore_strand=True to force merging " "of multiple strands" ) strand = strands[0] # Sanity check to make sure all features are from the same chromosome. chroms = [i.chrom for i in features] if len(set(chroms)) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Merging multiple chromosomes not " "implemented") chrom = chroms[0] # To start, we create a merged feature of just the first feature. current_merged_start = features[0].start current_merged_stop = features[0].stop # We don't need to check the first one, so start at feature #2. for feature in features[1:]: # Does this feature start within the currently merged feature?... if feature.start <= current_merged_stop + 1: # ...It starts within, so leave current_merged_start where it # is. Does it extend any farther? if feature.stop >= current_merged_stop: # Extends further, so set a new stop position current_merged_stop = feature.stop else: # If feature.stop < current_merged_stop, it's completely # within the previous feature. Nothing more to do. continue else: # The start position is outside the merged feature, so we're # done with the current merged feature. Prepare for output... merged_feature = dict( seqid=feature.chrom, source=".", featuretype=feature.featuretype, start=current_merged_start, end=current_merged_stop, score=".", strand=strand, frame=".", attributes="", ) yield self._feature_returner(**merged_feature) # and we start a new one, initializing with this feature's # start and stop. current_merged_start = feature.start current_merged_stop = feature.stop # need to yield the last one. if len(features) == 1: feature = features[0] merged_feature = dict( seqid=feature.chrom, source=".", featuretype=feature.featuretype, start=current_merged_start, end=current_merged_stop, score=".", strand=strand, frame=".", attributes="", ) yield self._feature_returner(**merged_feature)
[docs] def merge( self, features, merge_criteria=(mc.seqid, mc.overlap_end_inclusive, mc.strand, mc.feature_type), multiline=False, ): """ Merge features matching criteria together Returned Features have a special property called 'children' that is a list of the component features. This only exists for the lifetime of the Feature instance. Parameters ---------- features : iterable Iterable of Feature instances to merge merge_criteria : list List of merge criteria callbacks. All must evaluate to True in order for a feature to be merged. See notes below on callback signature. multiline : bool True to emit multiple features with the same ID attribute, False otherwise. Returns ------- Generator yielding merged Features Notes ----- See the `gffutils.merge_criteria` module (imported here as `mc`) for existing callback functions. For writing custom callbacks, functions must have the following signature:: callback( acc: gffutils.Feature, cur: gffutils.Feature, components: [gffutils.Feature] ) -> bool Where: - `acc`: current accumulated feature - `cur`: candidate feature to merge - `components`: list of features that compose acc The function should return True to merge `cur` into `acc`, False to set `cur` to `acc` (that is, start a new merged feature). If merge criteria allows different feature types then the merged features' feature types should have their featuretype property reassigned to a more specific ontology value. """ if not isinstance(merge_criteria, list): try: merge_criteria = list(merge_criteria) except TypeError: merge_criteria = [merge_criteria] # To start, we create a merged feature of just the first feature. features = iter(features) last_id = None current_merged = None feature_children = [] for feature in features: if current_merged is None: if all( criteria(feature, feature, feature_children) for criteria in merge_criteria ): current_merged = feature feature_children = [feature] else: yield _finalize_merge(feature, no_children) last_id = None continue if ( len(feature_children) == 0 ): # current_merged is last feature and unchecked if all( criteria(current_merged, current_merged, feature_children) for criteria in merge_criteria ): feature_children.append(current_merged) else: yield _finalize_merge(current_merged, no_children) current_merged = feature last_id = None continue if all( criteria(current_merged, feature, feature_children) for criteria in merge_criteria ): # Criteria satisfied, merge # TODO Test multiline records and iron out the following code # if multiline and (feature.start > current_merged.end + 1 or feature.end + 1 < current_merged.start): # # Feature is possibly multiline (discontiguous), keep ID but start new record # yield _finalize_merge(current_merged, feature_children) # current_merged = feature # feature_children = [feature] if len(feature_children) == 1: # Current merged is only child and merge is going to occur, make copy current_merged = vars(current_merged).copy() del current_merged["attributes"] del current_merged["extra"] del current_merged["dialect"] del current_merged["keep_order"] del current_merged["sort_attribute_values"] current_merged = self._feature_returner(**current_merged) if not last_id: # Generate unique ID for new Feature self._autoincrements[current_merged.featuretype] += 1 last_id = ( current_merged.featuretype + "_" + str(self._autoincrements[current_merged.featuretype]) ) current_merged["ID"] = last_id = last_id feature_children.append(feature) # Set mismatched properties to ambiguous values if feature.seqid not in current_merged.seqid.split(","): current_merged.seqid += "," + feature.seqid if feature.strand != current_merged.strand: current_merged.strand = "." if feature.frame != current_merged.frame: current_merged.frame = "." if feature.featuretype != current_merged.featuretype: current_merged.featuretype = "sequence_feature" if feature.start < current_merged.start: # Extends prior, so set a new start position current_merged.start = feature.start if feature.end > current_merged.end: # Extends further, so set a new stop position current_merged.end = feature.end else: yield _finalize_merge(current_merged, feature_children) current_merged = feature feature_children = [] last_id = None if current_merged: yield _finalize_merge(current_merged, feature_children)
def merge_all( self, merge_order=("seqid", "featuretype", "strand", "start"), merge_criteria=(mc.seqid, mc.overlap_end_inclusive, mc.strand, mc.feature_type), featuretypes_groups=(None,), exclude_components=False, ): """ Merge all features in database according to criteria. Merged features will be assigned as children of the merged record. The resulting records are added to the database. Parameters ---------- merge_order : list Ordered list of columns with which to group features before evaluating criteria merge_criteria : list List of merge criteria callbacks. See merge(). featuretypes_groups : list iterable of sets of featuretypes to merge together exclude_components : bool True: child features will be discarded. False to keep them. Returns ------- list of merge features """ if not len(featuretypes_groups): # Can't be empty featuretypes_groups = (None,) result_features = [] # Merge features per featuregroup for featuregroup in featuretypes_groups: for merged in self.merge( self.all_features(featuretype=featuregroup, order_by=merge_order), merge_criteria=merge_criteria, ): # If feature is result of merge if merged.children: self._insert(merged, self.conn.cursor()) if exclude_components: # Remove child features from DB self.delete(merged.children) else: # Add child relations to DB for child in merged.children: self.add_relation(merged, child, 1, child_func=assign_child) result_features.append(merged) else: pass # Do nothing, feature is already in DB return result_features
[docs] def children_bp( self, feature, child_featuretype="exon", merge=False, merge_criteria=(mc.seqid, mc.overlap_end_inclusive, mc.strand, mc.feature_type), **kwargs ): """ Total bp of all children of a featuretype. Useful for getting the exonic bp of an mRNA. Parameters ---------- feature : str or Feature instance child_featuretype : str Which featuretype to consider. For example, to get exonic bp of an mRNA, use `child_featuretype='exon'`. merge : bool Whether or not to merge child features together before summing them. merge_criteria : list List of merge criteria callbacks. All must evaluate to True in order for a feature to be merged. Only used if merge=True. When modifying this argument, you may want to use: from gffutils import merge_criteria as mc to access the available callbacks. Returns ------- Integer representing the total number of bp. """ if kwargs: if "ignore_strand" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "'ignore_strand' has been deprecated; please use " "merge_criteria to control how features should be merged. " "E.g., leave out the 'mc.strand' criteria to ignore strand." ) else: raise TypeError( "merge() got unexpected keyword arguments '{}'".format( kwargs.keys() ) ) children = self.children( feature, featuretype=child_featuretype, order_by="start" ) if merge: children = self.merge(children, merge_criteria=merge_criteria) total = 0 for child in children: total += len(child) return total
[docs] def bed12( self, feature, block_featuretype=["exon"], thick_featuretype=["CDS"], thin_featuretype=None, name_field="ID", color=None, ): """ Converts `feature` into a BED12 format. GFF and GTF files do not necessarily define genes consistently, so this method provides flexiblity in specifying what to call a "transcript". Parameters ---------- feature : str or Feature instance In most cases, this feature should be a transcript rather than a gene. block_featuretype : str or list Which featuretype to use as the exons. These are represented as blocks in the BED12 format. Typically 'exon'. Use the `thick_featuretype` and `thin_featuretype` arguments to control the display of CDS as thicker blocks and UTRs as thinner blocks. Note that the features for `thick` or `thin` are *not* automatically included in the blocks; if you do want them included, then those featuretypes should be added to this `block_features` list. If no child features of type `block_featuretype` are found, then the full `feature` is returned in BED12 format as if it had a single exon. thick_featuretype : str or list Child featuretype(s) to use in order to determine the boundaries of the "thick" blocks. In BED12 format, these represent coding sequences; typically this would be set to "CDS". This argument is mutually exclusive with `thin_featuretype`. Specifically, the BED12 thickStart will be the start coord of the first `thick` item and the thickEnd will be the stop coord of the last `thick` item. thin_featuretype : str or list Child featuretype(s) to use in order to determine the boundaries of the "thin" blocks. In BED12 format, these represent untranslated regions. Typically "utr" or ['three_prime_UTR', 'five_prime_UTR']. Mutually exclusive with `thick_featuretype`. Specifically, the BED12 thickStart field will be the stop coord of the first `thin` item and the thickEnd field will be the start coord of the last `thin` item. name_field : str Which attribute of `feature` to use as the feature's name. If this field is not present, a "." placeholder will be used instead. color : None or str If None, then use black (0,0,0) as the RGB color; otherwise this should be a comma-separated string of R,G,B values each of which are integers in the range 0-255. """ if thick_featuretype and thin_featuretype: raise ValueError( "Can only specify one of `thick_featuertype` or " "`thin_featuretype`" ) exons = list( self.children(feature, featuretype=block_featuretype, order_by="start") ) if len(exons) == 0: exons = [feature] feature = self[feature] first = exons[0].start last = exons[-1].stop if first != feature.start: raise ValueError( "Start of first exon (%s) does not match start of feature (%s)" % (first, feature.start) ) if last != feature.stop: raise ValueError( "End of last exon (%s) does not match end of feature (%s)" % (last, feature.stop) ) if color is None: color = "0,0,0" color = color.replace(" ", "").strip() # Use field names as defined at # chrom = feature.chrom chromStart = feature.start - 1 chromEnd = feature.stop orig = constants.always_return_list constants.always_return_list = True try: name = feature[name_field][0] except KeyError: name = "." constants.always_return_list = orig score = feature.score if score == ".": score = "0" strand = feature.strand itemRgb = color blockCount = len(exons) blockSizes = [len(i) for i in exons] blockStarts = [i.start - 1 - chromStart for i in exons] if thick_featuretype: thick = list( self.children(feature, featuretype=thick_featuretype, order_by="start") ) if len(thick) == 0: thickStart = feature.start thickEnd = feature.stop else: thickStart = thick[0].start - 1 # BED 0-based coords thickEnd = thick[-1].stop if thin_featuretype: thin = list( self.children(feature, featuretype=thin_featuretype, order_by="start") ) if len(thin) == 0: thickStart = feature.start thickEnd = feature.stop else: thickStart = thin[0].stop thickEnd = thin[-1].start - 1 # BED 0-based coords tst = chromStart + blockStarts[-1] + blockSizes[-1] assert tst == chromEnd, "tst=%s; chromEnd=%s" % (tst, chromEnd) fields = [ chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, score, strand, thickStart, thickEnd, itemRgb, blockCount, ",".join(map(str, blockSizes)), ",".join(map(str, blockStarts)), ] return "\t".join(map(str, fields))
def seqids(self): """ Yield the unique sequence IDs (chromosomes, contigs) observed in the database. """ c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT DISTINCT seqid from features """ ) for (i,) in c: yield i # Recycle the docs for _relation so they stay consistent between parents() # and children() children.__doc__ = children.__doc__.format(_relation_docstring=_relation.__doc__) parents.__doc__ = parents.__doc__.format(_relation_docstring=_relation.__doc__) # Add the docs for methods that call helpers.make_query() for method in [parents, children, features_of_type, all_features]: method.__doc__ = method.__doc__.format(_method_doc=_method_doc)