
gffutils.pybedtools_integration.tsses(db, merge_overlapping=False, attrs=None, attrs_sep=':', merge_kwargs=None, as_bed6=False, bedtools_227_or_later=True)[source]

Create 1-bp transcription start sites for all transcripts in the database and return as a sorted pybedtools.BedTool object pointing to a temporary file.

To save the file to a known location, use the .moveto() method on the resulting pybedtools.BedTool object.

To extend regions upstream/downstream, see the .slop() method on the resulting pybedtools.BedTool object.

Requires pybedtools.

  • db (gffutils.FeatureDB) – The database to use

  • as_bed6 (bool) –

    If True, output file is in BED6 format; otherwise it remains in the GFF/GTF format and dialect of the file used to create the database.

    Note that the merge options below necessarily force as_bed6=True.

  • merge_overlapping (bool) – If True, output will be in BED format. Overlapping TSSes will be merged into a single feature, and their names will be collapsed using merge_sep and placed in the new name field.

  • merge_kwargs (dict) –

    If merge_overlapping=True, these keyword arguments are passed to pybedtools.BedTool.merge(), which are in turn sent to bedtools merge. The merge operates on a BED6 file which will have had the name field constructed as specified by other arguments here. See the available options for your installed version of BEDTools; the defaults used here are merge_kwargs=dict(o='distinct', c=4, s=True).

    Any provided merge_kwargs are used to update the default. It is recommended to not override c=4 and s=True, otherwise the post-merge fixing may not work correctly. Good candidates for tweaking are d (merge distance), o (operation), delim (delimiter to use for collapse operations).

  • attrs (str or list) –

    Only has an effect when as_bed6=True or merge_overlapping=True.

    Determines what goes in the name field of an output BED file. By default, “gene_id” for GTF databases and “ID” for GFF. If a list of attributes is supplied, e.g. [“gene_id”, “transcript_id”], then these will be joined by attr_join_sep and then placed in the name field.

  • attrs_sep (str) – If as_bed6=True or merge_overlapping=True, then use this character to separate attributes in the name field of the output BED. If also using merge_overlapping=True, you’ll probably want this to be different than merge_sep in order to parse things out later.

  • bedtools_227_or_later (bool) –

    In version 2.27, BEDTools changed the output for merge. By default, this function expects BEDTools version 2.27 or later, but set this to False to assume the older behavior.

    For testing purposes, the environment variable GFFUTILS_USES_BEDTOOLS_227_OR_LATER is set to either “true” or “false” and is used to override this argument.


>>> import gffutils
>>> db = gffutils.create_db(
...    gffutils.example_filename('FBgn0031208.gtf'),
...    ":memory:",
...    keep_order=True,
...    verbose=False)

Default settings – no merging, and report a separate TSS on each line even if they overlap (as in the first two):

>>> print(tsses(db))                        
chr2L       gffutils_derived        transcript_TSS  7529    7529    .       +       .       gene_id "FBgn0031208"; transcript_id "FBtr0300689";
chr2L       gffutils_derived        transcript_TSS  7529    7529    .       +       .       gene_id "FBgn0031208"; transcript_id "FBtr0300690";
chr2L       gffutils_derived        transcript_TSS  11000   11000   .       -       .       gene_id "Fk_gene_1"; transcript_id "transcript_Fk_gene_1";
chr2L       gffutils_derived        transcript_TSS  12500   12500   .       -       .       gene_id "Fk_gene_2"; transcript_id "transcript_Fk_gene_2";

Default merging, showing the first two TSSes merged and reported as a single unique TSS for the gene. Note the conversion to BED:

>>> x = tsses(db, merge_overlapping=True)
>>> print(x)  
chr2L       7528    7529    FBgn0031208     .       +
chr2L       10999   11000   Fk_gene_1       .       -
chr2L       12499   12500   Fk_gene_2       .       -

Report both gene ID and transcript ID in the name. In some cases this can be easier to parse than the original GTF or GFF file. With no merging specified, we must add as_bed6=True to see the names in BED format.

>>> x = tsses(db, attrs=['gene_id', 'transcript_id'], as_bed6=True)
>>> print(x)  
chr2L       7528    7529    FBgn0031208:FBtr0300689 .       +
chr2L       7528    7529    FBgn0031208:FBtr0300690 .       +
chr2L       10999   11000   Fk_gene_1:transcript_Fk_gene_1  .       -
chr2L       12499   12500   Fk_gene_2:transcript_Fk_gene_2  .       -

Use a 3kb merge distance so the last 2 features are merged together:

>>> x = tsses(db, merge_overlapping=True, merge_kwargs=dict(d=3000))
>>> print(x)  
chr2L       7528    7529    FBgn0031208     .       +
chr2L       10999   12500   Fk_gene_1,Fk_gene_2     .       -

The set of unique TSSes for each gene, +1kb upstream and 500bp downstream:

>>> x = tsses(db, merge_overlapping=True)
>>> x = x.slop(l=1000, r=500, s=True, genome='dm3')
>>> print(x)  
chr2L       6528    8029    FBgn0031208     .       +
chr2L       10499   12000   Fk_gene_1       .       -
chr2L       11999   13500   Fk_gene_2       .       -