.. _bigMaf: bigMaf example -------------- You can read more about preparing the files necessary for a bigMaf track on `UCSC's bigMaf help page `_. The following code uses the example files provided by UCSC. This code is automatically run and the built trackhub is uploaded to the `trackhub-demo `_ repository. You can view the live hub using `this link `_. .. code-block:: python import trackhub hub, genome, genomes_file,trackdb = trackhub.default_hub( hub_name="bigMaf", short_label="bigMaf", long_label="bigMaf", genome="hg38", email="eva.jason@nih.gov") track = trackhub.Track( name="bigMaf", frames="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/bigMafFrames.bb", bigDataUrl="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/examples/bigMaf.bb", tracktype="bigMaf", ) trackdb.add_tracks(track) trackhub.upload.upload_hub( hub=hub, host="localhost", remote_dir="example_hubs/example_bigMaf_hub" )