Changelog ========= Version 1.0 (April 2024) ------------------------ This major release is backwards-compatible but adds many new features and tests. Testing infrastructure overhaul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extensive example hubs that demonstrate the various track types and configuration options. These use data provided by UCSC and are built as part of the testing framework. Thanks to Eva Jason (@evajason). See :ref:`tests` and :ref:`tracktypes` for details. Build a trackhub configured in Excel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build a trackhub using only a command-line tool and configuration in Excel. This new tool, ``trackhub_from_excel``, can write out a template you can use to fill in details on what tracks should be included, how to organize them, and configuration options like color, visibility, etc. Running the tool on your filled-out Excel file will build a trackhub ready to be uploaded. Thanks Eva Jason (@evajason) for this new feature. Semi-automated updating of validated parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dramatically improved semi-automatic updating mechanism for making sure parameters are up-to-date with the main UCSC instance (see ``trackhub/`` and ``trackhub/``). These scrape the UCSC database document HTML to identify parameters, and writes this out to Python module that can be diffed against the existing ```` module. In addition to supporting validation, this highlights what has changed in the UCSC Genome Browser since the last trackhub Python package update. Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New section that details how validation works (see :ref:`validation`). - `defaultPos` can now be set when using the `default_hub` helper function - Support for all track types supported in track hubs (see :ref:`tracktypes`) - There is now one naming convention, `add_tracks`, rather than multiple methods names that perform this for different track types. `add_view` and `add_subtracks` can now simply be replaced with `add_tracks`. These methods will accept track objects, a list of track object, or a combination of the two. The older method names are retained for backwards compatibility, but all documentation has been updated to reflect this change. - fixed indentation when super tracks, composite tracks, and view tracks are nested. - improved handling of rsync and handling symlink modification times - Dropped support for Python 2.7 - Migrated tests from Travis CI to GitHub Actions and to use pytest fixtures. Version 0.2.4 (Dec 2017) ------------------------ Improved file uploading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instead of uploading files one-by-one, first the hub is rendered to a local "staging" directory and tracks are symlinked over to this directory. BAM and VCF indexes are also symlinked if needed, and any HTML documentation is also rendered to the staging directory. This allows for inspecting the hub locally before uploading. The entire directory can then be uploaded with ``rsync`` using the ``-L`` option to follow symlinks. .. figure:: upload_strategy.png Diagram illustrating the changes in uploading strategies. *Using the old method, the hub, genomes, and trackdb files were rendered in the working directory, cluttering it. Each file was then individually rsynced to the host. In contrast, the new method first symlinks source files to a staging directory, and the hub, genomes, and trackdb files are rendered directly in that staging directory. The entire directory is then rsynced with a single call.* `local_fn` argument is now replaced by `source` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To better align the semantics of keyword arguments with this new uploading strategy, `local_fn` and `remote_fn` are deprecated as arguments to :class:`Track` objects. With the new uploading strategy described aboved, `local_fn` becomes confusing because there are two "local" filenames -- the original source file as well as the symlink created to that source file in the staging directory. Using `local_fn` and `remote_fn` is still supported, but a DeprecationWarning will be raised and support may eventually be removed in future releases. Instead, use `source` to point to an existing source file (bigWig, bigBed, etc) on disk. Sensible defaults are used for the symlink, but if you need more control over the symlink filename (and, by extension, the filename on the remote host), you can use the `filename` argument. Another advantage of using `source` is that it allows better support for remote tracks that are not uploaded as part of the hub but are stored elsewhere (e.g., external tracks from ENCODE can be incorporated into a hub in this manner). Use the `url` argument instead of `source` for incorporating such tracks. Please see the documentation for :class:`trackhub.BaseTrack` for details on `source`, `filename`, and `url`. Improved documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The documentation at has been rewritten, and now includes example code for progressively more complex trackhubs that demonstrate different features of the package and track hubs in general. For example: - :ref:`quickstart` - :ref:`grouping-example` - :ref:`htmldoc-example` - :ref:`assembly-example` Each one of these is automatically run and uploaded to the `trackhub-demo GitHub repository `_, and the hubs can then be loaded in the UCSC Genome Browser from that repo. For example, the quickstart hub can be loaded by pasting this URL into the "My Hubs" section of the Genome Browser:: Or the hub can be loaded directly into UCSC with the following URL: Python 2 and 3 support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since we are no longer using `fabric` as a dependency (which is only available under Python 2), `trackhub` now supports Python 2 and Python 3 and is tested on both versions. Version 0.1.3 (Nov 2015) ------------------------ - fixed bug where local rsync operations were not using the provided rsync options - docs now at - tests now on travis-ci using Docker Version 0.1.2 (Jan 2 2015) -------------------------- - always use the remote filename of a BAM when uploading the corresponding .bai - add support for BAM parameters `baseColorUseSequence`, `baseColorDefault`, and `showDiffBasesAllScales` - add `fabric` as a dependency upon install - better example in the README - use local path of trackdb to be relative to the hub local filename (thanks Jakob Goldman) Version 0.1.1 (Dec 19 2012) --------------------------- - Initial support for SuperTracks (Venkat Malladi) - Support for vcfTabix format (Venkat Malladi) - Support for most known UCSC parameters (in (Venkat Malladi) - Support for aggregate tracks (Venkat Malladi) - `default_hub()` function for creating a fully-connected set of components - `long_label` for tracks defaults to `short_label` - `run_local` kwarg for upload functions to upload hubs/data locally - various typo and consistency fixes in docs - improvements to automatic track URL handling - better support for adding single tracks - subgroups incrementally updated rather than replaced Version 0.1 (Oct 30 2012) ------------------------- Initial release