Source code for trackhub.helpers

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os
import json
from . import base
from .hub import Hub
from .compatibility import string_types

_here = __file__

[docs] def dimensions_from_subgroups(s): """ Given a sorted list of subgroups, return a string appropriate to provide as a composite track's `dimensions` arg. Parameters ---------- s : list of SubGroup objects (or anything with a `name` attribute) """ letters = "XYABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZ" return " ".join(["dim{0}={1}".format(dim, for dim, sg in zip(letters, s)])
[docs] def filter_composite_from_subgroups(s): """ Given a sorted list of subgroups, return a string appropriate to provide as the a composite track's `filterComposite` argument >>> import trackhub >>> trackhub.helpers.filter_composite_from_subgroups(['cell', 'ab', 'lab', 'knockdown']) 'dimA dimB' Parameters ---------- s : list A list representing the ordered subgroups, ideally the same list provided to `dimensions_from_subgroups`. The values are not actually used, just the number of items. """ dims = [] for letter, sg in zip("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZ", s[2:]): dims.append("dim{0}".format(letter)) if dims: return " ".join(dims)
[docs] def hex2rgb(h): """ Convert hex colors to RGB tuples Parameters ---------- h : str String hex color value >>> hex2rgb("#ff0033") '255,0,51' """ if not h.startswith("#") or len(h) != 7: raise ValueError("Does not look like a hex color: '{0}'".format(h)) return ",".join( map( str, ( int(h[1:3], 16), int(h[3:5], 16), int(h[5:7], 16), ), ) )
[docs] def sanitize(s, strict=True): """ Sanitize a string. Spaces are converted to underscore; if strict=True they are then removed. Parameters ---------- s : str String to sanitize strict : bool If True, only alphanumeric characters are allowed. If False, a limited set of additional characters (-._) will be allowed. """ allowed = "".join( [ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "0123456789", ] ) if not strict: allowed += "-_." s = str(s).replace(" ", "_") return "".join([i for i in s if i in allowed])
def auto_track_url(track): """ Automatically sets the bigDataUrl for `track`. Requirements: * the track must be fully connected, such that its root is a Hub object * the root Hub object must have the Hub.url attribute set * the track must have the `source` attribute set """ hub = track.root(cls=Hub) if hub is None: raise ValueError( "track is not fully connected because the root is %s" % repr(hub) ) if hub.url is None: raise ValueError("hub.url is not set") if track.source is None: raise ValueError("track.source is not set") def show_rendered_files(results_dict): """ Parses a nested dictionary returned from :meth:`Hub.render` and just prints the resulting files. """ for k, v in results_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, string_types): print("rendered file: %s (created by: %s)" % (v, k)) else: show_rendered_files(v) return def print_rendered_results(results_dict): """ Pretty-prints the rendered results dictionary. Rendered results can be multiply-nested dictionaries; this uses JSON serialization to print a nice representation. """ class _HubComponentEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, base.HubComponent): return repr(o) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) formatted = json.dumps(results_dict, indent=4, cls=_HubComponentEncoder) # the returned string contains lines with trailing spaces, which causes # doctests to fail. So fix that here. for s in formatted.splitlines(): print(s.rstrip())
[docs] def data_dir(): """ Returns the data directory that contains example files for tests and documentation. """ return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(_here), "test", "data")
def example_bigbeds(): """ Returns list of example bigBed files """ hits = [] d = data_dir() for fn in os.listdir(d): fn = os.path.join(d, fn) if os.path.splitext(fn)[-1] == ".bigBed": hits.append(os.path.abspath(fn)) return hits def example_bigwigs(): """ Returns list of bigWig example files """ hits = [] d = data_dir() for fn in os.listdir(d): fn = os.path.join(d, fn) if os.path.splitext(fn)[-1] == ".bw": hits.append(os.path.abspath(fn)) return hits