Additional tool installations

Base conda packages

Do this if you want to install the conda packages in requirements.txt into the base conda environment. (you may want to edit that file first)

If you’re on a Mac, requirements-mac.txt will be used as well:

./ --conda-env

apt packages

Do this if you want to install a large or small set of packages on an Ubuntu machine. (you may want to edit the files mentioned below first).

If you’re on Ubuntu and have root privileges, this is a quick way to install “the works” or optionally a minimal set of packages. You can inspect the files apt-installs.txt or apt-installs-minimal.txt for what will be installed. These are packages I find to be most useful (git, build-essential, meld, and so on).

./ --apt-install
# or
./ --apt-install-minimal

Tool installation

Run the --install-<toolname> for each of the tools below. Each is copied into ~/opt/bin, so you’ll want to make sure that’s on your path.

Tools are listed alphabetically.

The help for suggests some to start with (fzf, ripgrep, visidata, pyp, and fd):

./ --install-fzf
./ --install-ripgrep
./ --install-vd
./ --install-pyp
./ --install-fd

If a tool below is available in conda, it is “installed” as follows:

  • create a conda environment named after the tool (using the -n argument, which will place the env in your miniconda installation directory).

  • symlink the tool’s executable from the conda environment over to ~/opt/bin

This means that you do not have to conda activate an environment to use an installed tool. As long as ~/opt/bin is on your path, you can use it immediately. This allows for more modular updating of the tools and avoiding conflicting dependencies.


./ --install-alacritty

alacritty is a cross-platform GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. The speed is most noticable when catting large files over tmux.

You can find more details on the benefits of alactritty at


  • On Mac, iTerm2 or the default Terminal app

  • On Linux, any number of default terminal apps


./ --install-bat

bat is a replacement for cat, with syntax highlighting, line numbers, non-printable characters, and git diffs.


  • cat


./ --install-bfg

The BFG is a tool for cleaning out mistakenly-committed data from git repos such as very large files or sensitive information.


  • git-filter-branch, which is built in to git but is slower and not as feature-rich.


./ --install-black

black reformats Python files to conform to PEP8 style conventions. I’ll typically run it on a file in vim with !black % (the ! calls out to the shell, and the % means “this file”.


./ --install-docker

docker runs containers. Needs root access, and the installation here is currently only supported on Linux.


  • Singularity, though this requires a Linux machine to build and is a bit more involved to install.


./ --install-fd

fd is a much faster and more ergonomic find. For example, it uses regular expressions by default and defaults to skipping directories ignored by git. One place this is useful is in avoiding lengthy, unneeded searches through conda envs.


  • find


./ --install-fzf

fzf is a fuzzy-finder interface that works with stdin. It integrates with bash so that when you use Ctrl-R (the standard bash way of reverse-search through history), you’ll instead get the fzf interface. Other tools may also look for fzf to use as an interface. zoxide for example does this. You can also pipe in any arbitrary text to fzf for a fuzzy search tool.


./ --install-icdiff

icdiff makes an easy-to-read, side-by-side colored diff between files. It’s used for ./ --diffs.


  • diff, which doesn’t do side-by-side or colored diffs

  • vim -d, which I still use quite often


./ --install-jq

jq is like sed or awk for JSON data.


pyp lets you run Python right from the terminal similar to Perl one-liners.

I use it most often for a quick calculator (pyp "(4e6 / 300) * 3600"), and am starting to introduce it more into my workflow for arbitrary command-line activities. It strikes a nice balance of having enough magic (e.g., implicit variable names for lines) while still being understandable (the --explain flag is a brilliant touch).


  • pythonpy (no longer maintained)

  • opening up a Python interpreter


./ --install-radian

radian is a replacement shell for R. It has syntax highlighting, multiline editings, and tab completion built in. can be used with any version of R, in a conda environment or otherwise.

Note that if you are intending to use it with R and Python mixed together via reticulate, you should not use this method to install. Instead, you’ll need to install radian in the same environment as the Python installation you plan on using.


  • plain vanilla R, which doesn’t have the syntax highlighting or tab completion

ripgrep (rg)

./ --install-ripgrep

ripgrep is a fast code-searching tool. It is like grep, but by default skips files in .gitignore, binary files, and hidden files.


  • grep, or find ... | xargs grep

  • ag, the Silver Searcher

visidata (vd)

./ --install-vd

visidata is a powerful spreadsheet-like tool for viewing, sorting, searching, and manipulating data directly in the terminal. Any files that pandas can open, visidata can open too.

Waaaaay nicer than less -S or vim followed by messing with tabstops.


  • tabview. Visidata can do a lot more, even though I pretty much use it along the same lines as tabview.

  • less -S

  • vim followed by messing with tabstops. You’ll probably need to use vim if you have a lot of editing to do.


./ --install-zoxide

zoxide is “a smarter cd command”. It keeps track of the directories you visit, and makes it easy to jump back to them.

Note that after installation it requires an additional command to be added to your .bashrc.

I most commonly use its interactive mode zi, which opens up fzf as an interface for changing directories via fuzzy search.


  • fasd

  • autojump
