Spacebar ======== There are many, many features in Blender but it's difficult to know where to find them in the interface or to remember the hotkey. Luckily, the :kbd:`Space` menu solves this with a search-as-you-type interface, so you just have to remember the general idea of what you're trying to do. ====================== ================================================ Action Description ====================== ================================================ :kbd:`Space` Shows the search bar menu ====================== ================================================ .. admonition:: Exercise: searching for commands with :kbd:`Space` :class: exercise * Zoom out and move the 3D Cursor away from the cube * Add a monkey (:kbd:`Space`, then start typing "monkey") * :kbd:`Space`, then start typing "add". What other kinds of things can you add? Try some out. * :kbd:`Space`, then start typing some commands you already know: Try "delete" and "undo". Notice the hotkey it shows -- this is one way of quickly remembering a hotkey. * Clean up the scene: Select All, then Delete. Use either :kbd:`Space` or :kbd:`A`, :kbd:`X`. * Snap the cursor to the center and add a cube to get ready for the next exercise. .. seealso:: THe `Wikipedia page on Blender `_ describes the history of Suzanne the monkey (along with all sorts of other Blender history).