Selecting ========= We will be doing a *lot* of selection, so we'll get more practice as we go. ====================== ================================================ Action Description ====================== ================================================ :kbd:`RMB` Select an object. This may be counterintuitive! :kbd:`Shift-RMB` Add another object to the selection :kbd:`A` Toggle the selection of all objects :kbd:`Del` or :kbd:`X` Delete an object from the scene :kbd:`Ctrl-Z` Undo last action :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-Z` Redo last undo ====================== ================================================ .. figure:: /images/selected.png :width: 50% The cube on the right is selected .. admonition:: Exercise: selecting and deleting :class: exercise * Deselect all (:kbd:`A`, may have to hit it a couple times) * Select the cube, then delete it (:kbd:`RMB`, :kbd:`X`) * Undo! (:kbd:`Ctrl-Z`) * Deselect all (:kbd:`A`) * Select the camera (*the wireframe pyramid thing with an arrow sticking out of it*) and the lamp (*the dot surrounded by dotted lines*) and delete them. .. figure:: /images/camera.png :width: 150px Delete the camera .. figure:: /images/lamp.png :width: 150px Delete the lamp, too .. note:: The camera and lamp are used for rendering images -- we don't need them for 3D printing work. .. seealso:: The Blender documentation's `section on selecting `_ has lots more information and shows all sorts of ways to make a selection.