Source code for pybedtools.helpers

import sys
import os
import gzip
import tempfile
import subprocess
import glob
import struct
import atexit
import re
import urllib
import urllib.error
import urllib.request

try:  # Use genomepy to determine chrom sizes if it is installed
    import genomepy
except ImportError:

from . import settings
from . import filenames
from . import genome_registry
from .logger import logger
from .cbedtools import create_interval_from_list


_tags = {}

[docs] def set_bedtools_path(path=""): """ Explicitly set path to `BEDTools` installation dir. If BEDTools is not available on your system path, specify the path to the dir containing the BEDTools executables (intersectBed, subtractBed, etc) with this function. To reset and use the default system path, call this function with no arguments or use path="". """ from . import paths paths._set_bedtools_path(path)
def get_bedtools_path(): """ Returns the currently-set path to bedtools """ from . import paths return paths._get_bedtools_path() def set_R_path(path=""): """ Explicitly set path to `R` installation dir. If R is not available on the path, then it can be explicitly specified here. Use path="" to reset to default system path. """ from . import paths paths._set_R_path(path) def _check_for_bedtools(force_check=False, verbose=False, override=None): """ Checks installation as well as version (based on whether or not "bedtools intersect" works, or just "intersectBed") """ if settings._bedtools_installed and not force_check: return True if (len(settings.bedtools_version) == 0) or force_check: try: v = ( subprocess.check_output( [os.path.join(settings._bedtools_path, "bedtools"), "--version"] ) .decode("utf-8") .rstrip() ) if verbose: print("Found bedtools version '%s'" % v) settings._bedtools_installed = True # Override, used for testing if override is not None: v = override # To allow more complicated versions as found in Linux distributions, e.g.: # bedtools v2.26.0 # bedtools debian/2.28.0+dfsg-2-dirty m ="^bedtools [^0-9]*([0-9][0-9.]*)", v) if not m: raise ValueError('Cannot identify version number from "{}"'.format(v)) vv = settings.bedtools_version = [int(i) for i in vv.split(".")] settings._v_2_27_plus = ( settings.bedtools_version[0] >= 2 and settings.bedtools_version[1] >= 27 ) settings._v_2_15_plus = ( settings.bedtools_version[0] >= 2 and settings.bedtools_version[1] >= 15 ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if settings._bedtools_path: add_msg = "(tried path '%s')" % settings._bedtools_path else: add_msg = "" raise OSError( "Please make sure you have installed BEDTools" "( and that " "it's on the path. %s" % add_msg ) def _check_for_R(): try: p = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(settings._R_path, "R"), "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) settings._R_installed = True except OSError: if settings._R_path: add_msg = "(tried path '%s')" % settings._R_path else: add_msg = "" raise ValueError("Please install R and ensure it is on your path %s" % add_msg) class Error(Exception): """Base class for this module's exceptions""" pass class pybedtoolsError(Error): pass class BEDToolsError(Error): def __init__(self, cmd, msg): self.cmd = str(cmd) self.msg = str(msg) def __str__(self): m = ( "\nCommand was:\n\n\t" + self.cmd + "\n" + "\nError message was:\n" + self.msg ) return m def isGZIP(fn): with open(fn, "rb") as f: start = if start == b"\x1f\x8b\x08": return True return False def isBGZIP(fn): """ Reads a filename to see if it's a BGZIPed file or not. """ with open(fn, "rb") as fh: header_str = if len(header_str) < 15: return False header = struct.unpack_from("BBBBiBBHBBB", header_str) id1, id2, cm, flg, mtime, xfl, os_, xlen, si1, si2, slen = header if ( (id1 == 31) and (id2 == 139) and (cm == 8) and (flg == 4) and (si1 == 66) and (si2 == 67) and (slen == 2) ): return True return False def isBAM(fn): """ Returns True if the file is both BGZIPed and the compressed contents have start with the magic number `BAM\\x01`, or if the file is CRAM format (see isCRAM()). """ # Note: previously we were catching ValueError when trying to open # a non-BAM with pysam.Samfile. That started segfaulting, so now do it the # right way with magic number. with, "rb") as in_: if isBGZIP(fn) and ( == "BAM\x01"): return True if isCRAM(fn): return True def isCRAM(fn): """ Returns True if the file starts with the bytes for the characters "CRAM". """ with open(fn, "rb") as in_: if"ignore") == "CRAM": return True def find_tagged(tag): """ Returns the bedtool object with tagged with *tag*. Useful for tracking down bedtools you made previously. """ for key, item in _tags.items(): try: if item._tag == tag: return item except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError('tag "%s" not found' % tag) def _flatten_list(x): nested = True while nested: check_again = False flattened = [] for element in x: if isinstance(element, list): flattened.extend(element) check_again = True else: flattened.append(element) nested = check_again x = flattened[:] return x
[docs] def set_tempdir(tempdir): """ Set the directory for temp files. Useful for clusters that use a /scratch partition rather than a /tmp dir. Convenience function to simply set tempfile.tempdir. """ if not os.path.exists(tempdir): errstr = "The tempdir you specified, %s, does not exist" % tempdir raise FileNotFoundError(errstr) tempfile.tempdir = tempdir
[docs] def get_tempdir(): """ Gets the current tempdir for the module. """ return tempfile.gettempdir()
[docs] def cleanup(verbose=False, remove_all=False): """ Deletes all temp files from the current session (or optionally *all* \ sessions) If *verbose*, reports what it's doing If *remove_all*, then ALL files matching "pybedtools.*.tmp" in the temp dir will be deleted. """ if settings.KEEP_TEMPFILES: return for fn in filenames.TEMPFILES: if verbose: print("removing", fn) if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) if remove_all: fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(get_tempdir(), "pybedtools.*.tmp")) for fn in fns: os.unlink(fn)
def _version_2_15_plus_names(prog_name): if not settings._bedtools_installed: _check_for_bedtools() if not settings._v_2_15_plus: return [prog_name] try: prog_name = settings._prog_names[prog_name] except KeyError: if prog_name in settings._new_names: pass raise BEDToolsError(prog_name, prog_name + "not a recognized BEDTools program") return [os.path.join(settings._bedtools_path, "bedtools"), prog_name] def call_bedtools( cmds, tmpfn=None, stdin=None, check_stderr=None, decode_output=True, encode_input=True, ): """ Use subprocess.Popen to call BEDTools and catch any errors. Output goes to *tmpfn*, or, if None, output stays in subprocess.PIPE and can be iterated over. *stdin* is an optional file-like object that will be sent to subprocess.Popen. Prints some useful help upon getting common errors. *check_stderr* is a function that takes the stderr string as input and returns True if it's OK (that is, it's not really an error). This is needed, e.g., for calling fastaFromBed which will report that it has to make a .fai for a fasta file. *decode_output* should be set to False when you are iterating over a BAM file, where the data represent binary rather than text data. """ input_is_stream = stdin is not None output_is_stream = tmpfn is None _orig_cmds = cmds[:] cmds = [] cmds.extend(_version_2_15_plus_names(_orig_cmds[0])) cmds.extend(_orig_cmds[1:]) try: # coming from an iterator, sending as iterator if input_is_stream and output_is_stream: logger.debug( "helpers.call_bedtools(): input is stream, output is " "stream" ) logger.debug("helpers.call_bedtools(): cmds=%s", " ".join(cmds)) p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=BUFSIZE, ) if encode_input: for line in stdin: p.stdin.write(line.encode()) else: for line in stdin: p.stdin.write(line) # This is important to prevent deadlocks p.stdin.close() if decode_output: output = (i.decode("UTF-8") for i in p.stdout) else: output = (i for i in p.stdout) stderr = None # coming from an iterator, writing to file if input_is_stream and not output_is_stream: logger.debug("helpers.call_bedtools(): input is stream, output is file") logger.debug("helpers.call_bedtools(): cmds=%s", " ".join(cmds)) outfile = open(tmpfn, "wb") p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=BUFSIZE, ) if hasattr(stdin, "read"): stdout, stderr = p.communicate( else: for item in stdin: p.stdin.write(item.encode()) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() output = tmpfn outfile.close() # coming from a file, sending as iterator if not input_is_stream and output_is_stream: logger.debug( "helpers.call_bedtools(): input is filename, " "output is stream" ) logger.debug("helpers.call_bedtools(): cmds=%s", " ".join(cmds)) p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=BUFSIZE ) if decode_output: output = (i.decode("UTF-8") for i in p.stdout) else: output = (i for i in p.stdout) stderr = None # file-to-file if not input_is_stream and not output_is_stream: logger.debug( "helpers.call_bedtools(): input is filename, output " "is filename (%s)", tmpfn, ) cmds = list(map(str, cmds)) logger.debug("helpers.call_bedtools(): cmds=%s", " ".join(cmds)) outfile = open(tmpfn, "wb") p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=BUFSIZE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() output = tmpfn outfile.close() # Check if it's OK using a provided function to check stderr. If it's # OK, dump it to sys.stderr so it's printed, and reset it to None so we # don't raise an exception if check_stderr is not None: if isinstance(stderr, bytes): stderr = stderr.decode("UTF_8") if check_stderr(stderr): sys.stderr.write(stderr) stderr = None if stderr: # Fix for issue #147. In general, we consider warnings to not be # fatal, so just show 'em and continue on. # # bedtools source has several different ways of showing a warning, # but they seem to all have "WARNING" in the first 20 or so # characters if isinstance(stderr, bytes): stderr = stderr.decode("UTF_8") if len(stderr) > 20 and "WARNING" in stderr[:20].upper(): sys.stderr.write(stderr) else: raise BEDToolsError(subprocess.list2cmdline(cmds), stderr) except (OSError, IOError) as err: print("%s: %s" % (type(err), os.strerror(err.errno))) print("The command was:\n\n\t%s\n" % subprocess.list2cmdline(cmds)) problems = { 2: ( "* Did you spell the command correctly?", "* Do you have BEDTools installed and on the path?", ), 13: ( "* Do you have permission to write " 'to the output file ("%s")?' % tmpfn, ), 24: ( "* Too many files open -- please submit " "a bug report so that this can be fixed", ), 32: ( "* Broken pipe -- if you passed a BedTool object " "that was created using a generator function, " "please try saving it to disk first using the " ".saveas() method before calling this bedtools " "command. See issue #49 for more.", ), } print("Things to check:") print("\n\t" + "\n\t".join(problems[err.errno])) raise OSError("See above for commands that gave the error") return output def _check_sequence_stderr(x): """ If stderr created by fastaFromBed starts with 'index file', then don't consider it an error. """ if isinstance(x, bytes): x = x.decode("UTF-8") if x.startswith("index file"): return True if x.startswith("WARNING"): return True return False def _call_randomintersect( _self, other, iterations, intersect_kwargs, shuffle_kwargs, report_iterations, debug, _orig_processes, ): """ Helper function that list-ifies the output from randomintersection, s.t. it can be pickled across a multiprocess Pool. """ return list( _self.randomintersection( other, iterations, intersect_kwargs=intersect_kwargs, shuffle_kwargs=shuffle_kwargs, report_iterations=report_iterations, debug=False, processes=None, _orig_processes=_orig_processes, ) ) def close_or_delete(*args): """ Single function that can be used to get rid of a BedTool, whether it's a streaming or file-based version. """ for x in args: if isinstance(x.fn, str): os.unlink(x.fn) elif hasattr(x.fn, "close"): x.fn.close() if hasattr(x.fn, "throw"): x.fn.throw(StopIteration) def n_open_fds(): pid = os.getpid() procs = subprocess.check_output(["lsof", "-w", "-Ff", "-p", str(pid)]) nprocs = 0 for i in procs.splitlines(): if i[1:].isdigit() and i[0] == "f": nprocs += 1 return nprocs import re coord_re = re.compile( r""" (?P<chrom>.+): (?P<start>\d+)- (?P<stop>\d+) (?:\[(?P<strand>.)\])?""", re.VERBOSE, ) def string_to_interval(s): """ Convert string of the form "chrom:start-stop" or "chrom:start-stop[strand]" to an interval. Assumes zero-based coords. If it's already an interval, then return it as-is. """ if isinstance(s, str): m = if"strand"): return create_interval_from_list( ["chrom"),"start"),"stop"), ".", "0","strand"), ] ) else: return create_interval_from_list( ["chrom"),"start"),"stop")] ) return s class FisherOutput(object): def __init__(self, s, **kwargs): """ fisher returns text results like:: # Contingency Table #_________________________________________ # | not in -b | in -b | # not in -a | 3137160615 | 503 | # in -a | 100 | 46 | #_________________________________________ # p-values for fisher's exact test left right two-tail ratio 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2868973.922 """ if isinstance(s, str): s = open(s).read() if hasattr(s, "next"): s = "".join(i for i in s) table = { "not in -a": {"not in -b": None, "in -b": None}, "in -a": {"not in -b": None, "in -b": None}, } self.text = s lines = s.splitlines() for i in lines: if "not in -a" in i: _, in_b, not_in_b, _ = i.strip().split("|") table["not in -a"]["not in -b"] = int(not_in_b) table["not in -a"]["in -b"] = int(in_b) if " in -a" in i: _, in_b, not_in_b, _ = i.strip().split("|") table["in -a"]["not in -b"] = int(not_in_b) table["in -a"]["in -b"] = int(in_b) self.table = table left, right, two_tail, ratio = lines[-1].split() self.left_tail = float(left) self.right_tail = float(right) self.two_tail = float(two_tail) self.ratio = float(ratio) def __str__(self): return self.text def __repr__(self): return "<%s at %s>\n%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.text) class SplitOutput(object): def __init__(self, output, **kwargs): """ Handles output from bedtools split, which sends a report of files to stdout. This class parses that list into something more convenient to use within pybedtools. Most useful is probably the .bedtools attribute, which is a list of BedTool objects. """ from .bedtool import BedTool if isinstance(output, str): output = open(output).read() if hasattr(output, "next"): output = "".join(i for i in output) #: store a copy of the output self.text = output #: BedTool objects created from output self.bedtools = [] #: Filenames that were created from the split self.files = [] #: number of bases in each file self.nbases = [] #: number of features in each file self.counts = [] for line in output.splitlines(): toks = line.split() self.files.append(toks[0]) self.nbases.append(int(toks[1])) self.counts.append(int(toks[2])) self.bedtools.append(BedTool(toks[0])) def internet_on(timeout=1): try: response = urllib.request.urlopen("", timeout=timeout) return True except urllib.error.URLError as err: pass return False
[docs] def get_chromsizes_from_ucsc( genome, saveas=None, mysql="mysql", fetchchromsizes="fetchChromSizes", timeout=None, host_url="", ): """ Download chrom size info for *genome* from UCSC and returns the dictionary. Parameters ---------- genome : str Name of the genome assembly (e.g., "hg38") saveas : str Filename to save output to. Dictionary will still be returned. mysql, fetchchromsizes : str Paths to MySQL and fetchChromSizes. timeout : float How long to wait for a response; mostly used for testing. host_url : str URL of UCSC mirror MySQL server. """ if not internet_on(timeout=timeout): raise ValueError( "It appears you don't have an internet connection " "-- unable to get chromsizes from UCSC" ) cmds = [ mysql, "--user=genome", "--host=" + host_url, "-A", "-e", "select chrom, size from %s.chromInfo" % genome, ] failures = [] d = {} try: p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=BUFSIZE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: print(stderr) print("Commands were:\n") print((subprocess.list2cmdline(cmds))) lines = stdout.splitlines()[1:] for line in lines: if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode("UTF-8") chrom, size = line.split() d[chrom] = (0, int(size)) if saveas is not None: chromsizes_to_file(d, saveas) except OSError as err: if err.errno == 2: failures.append("Can't find mysql at path {0}".format(mysql)) else: raise try: cmds = [fetchchromsizes, genome] p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=BUFSIZE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: if "INFO: trying WGET" not in str(stderr): print(stderr) print("Commands were:\n") print((subprocess.list2cmdline(cmds))) lines = stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode("UTF-8") chrom, size = line.split() d[chrom] = (0, int(size)) if saveas is not None: chromsizes_to_file(d, saveas) except OSError as err: if err.errno == 2: failures.append("Can't find path to fetchChromsizes") if not d: raise OSError(failures) return d
[docs] def chromsizes_to_file(chrom_sizes, fn=None): """ Converts a *chromsizes* dictionary to a file. If *fn* is None, then a tempfile is created (which can be deleted with pybedtools.cleanup()). Returns the filename. """ if fn is None: tmpfn = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="pybedtools.", suffix=".tmp", delete=False ) tmpfn = filenames.TEMPFILES.append(tmpfn) fn = tmpfn if isinstance(chrom_sizes, str): chrom_sizes = chromsizes(chrom_sizes) fout = open(fn, "wt") for chrom, bounds in chrom_sizes.items(): line = chrom + "\t" + str(bounds[1]) + "\n" fout.write(line) fout.close() return fn
def get_chromsizes_from_genomepy( genome, saveas=None, ): """ Get chrom size info for *genome* from genomepy, if genomepy is installed. Parameters ---------- genome : str Name of the genome assembly (e.g., "hg38") saveas : str Filename to save output to. Dictionary will still be returned. """ if "genomepy" not in sys.modules: return None d = {} try: g = genomepy.Genome(genome) # Fail silently if the sizes file cannot be accessed if not hasattr(g, "sizes_file"): return None for line in open(g.sizes_file): chrom, size = line.split() d[chrom] = (0, int(size)) if saveas is not None: chromsizes_to_file(d, saveas) except FileNotFoundError: return None return d
[docs] def chromsizes(genome): """ Looks for a *genome* already included in the genome registry; if not found it first tries to look it up via genomepy. If genomepy is not installed, or if this lookup fails then it looks it up on UCSC. Returns the dictionary of chromsize tuples where each tuple has (start,stop). Chromsizes are described as (start, stop) tuples to allow randomization within specified regions; e. g., you can make a chromsizes dictionary that represents the extent of a tiling array. Example usage: >>> dm3_chromsizes = chromsizes('dm3') >>> for i in sorted(dm3_chromsizes.items()): ... print(i) ('chr2L', (0, 23011544)) ('chr2LHet', (0, 368872)) ('chr2R', (0, 21146708)) ('chr2RHet', (0, 3288761)) ('chr3L', (0, 24543557)) ('chr3LHet', (0, 2555491)) ('chr3R', (0, 27905053)) ('chr3RHet', (0, 2517507)) ('chr4', (0, 1351857)) ('chrM', (0, 19517)) ('chrU', (0, 10049037)) ('chrUextra', (0, 29004656)) ('chrX', (0, 22422827)) ('chrXHet', (0, 204112)) ('chrYHet', (0, 347038)) """ try: return getattr(genome_registry, genome) except AttributeError: chromsizes = get_chromsizes_from_genomepy(genome) if chromsizes is None: return get_chromsizes_from_ucsc(genome) else: return chromsizes
def get_includes(): """ Returns a list of include directories with BEDTools headers """ dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))) return [dirname, os.path.join(dirname, "include")] atexit.register(cleanup)