Source code for pybedtools.filenames

Provides access to example files and keeps track of all temp files created
during a Python session.
import os


def data_dir():
    Returns the data directory that contains example files for tests and
    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test", "data")

[docs] def example_filename(fn): """ Return a bed file from the pybedtools examples directory. Use func:`list_example_files` to see a list of files that are included. """ fn = os.path.join(data_dir(), fn) if not os.path.exists(fn): msg = "%s does not exist" % fn raise FileNotFoundError(msg) return fn
[docs] def list_example_files(): """ Returns a list of files in the examples dir. Choose one and pass it to :func:`example_filename` to get the full path to an example file. Example usage: >>> from pybedtools import BedTool >>> choices = list_example_files() >>> assert 'a.bed' in choices >>> bedfn = example_filename('a.bed') >>> mybedtool = BedTool(bedfn) """ candidate_fns = os.listdir(data_dir()) exts = (".bed", ".gff", ".gtf", ".bed.gz", ".bam", ".gff.gz") valid_fns = [f for f in candidate_fns if f.endswith(exts)] return sorted(valid_fns)