Source code for pybedtools.contrib.intersection_matrix

import os
import sys
import sqlite3
import pybedtools
import time
import collections

def now():
    return time.time()

def get_name(fname):
    return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]

[docs] class IntersectionMatrix(object): """ Class to handle many pairwise comparisons of interval files """
[docs] def __init__(self, beds, genome, iterations, dbfn=None, force=False): """ Class to handle and keep track of many pairwise comparisons of interval files. A lightweight database approach is used to minimize computational time. The database stores filenames and calculation timestamps; re-calculating a matrix using the same interval files will only re-calculate values for those files whose modification times are newer than the timestamp in the database. `beds` is a list of bed files. `genome` is the string assembly name, e.g., "hg19" or "dm3". `dbfn` is the filename of the database you'd like to use to track what's been completed. Example usage: First, get a list of bed files to use: #>>> beds = [ #... pybedtools.example_filename(i) for i in [ #... 'Cp190_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed', #... 'CTCF_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed', #... 'SuHw_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed', #... 'BEAF_Kc_Bushey_2009.bed' #... ]] Set some parameters. "dm3" is the genome to use; info will be stored in "ex.db". `force=True` means to overwrite what's in the database #>>> # In practice, you'll want many more iterations... #>>> im = IntersectionMatrix(beds, 'dm3', #... dbfn='ex.db', iterations=3, force=True) #>>> # Use 4 CPUs for randomization #>>> matrix = im.create_matrix(verbose=True, processes=4) """ self.beds = beds self.genome = genome self.dbfn = dbfn self.iterations = iterations if self.dbfn: self._init_db(force) self.conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfn) self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.c = self.conn.cursor()
def _init_db(self, force=False): """ Prepare the database if it doesn't already exist """ if self.dbfn is None: return if os.path.exists(self.dbfn) and not force: return conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfn) c = conn.cursor() if force: c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS intersections;") c.executescript( """ CREATE TABLE intersections ( filea TEXT, fileb TEXT, timestamp FLOAT, actual FLOAT, median FLOAT, iterations INT, self INT, other INT, fractionabove FLOAT, fractionbelow FLOAT, percentile FLOAT, PRIMARY KEY (filea, fileb, iterations)); """ ) conn.commit() def get_row(self, fa, fb, iterations): """ Return the sqlite3.Row from the database corresponding to files `fa` and `fb`; returns None if not found. """ if self.dbfn is None: return results = list( self.c.execute( """ SELECT * FROM intersections WHERE filea=:fa AND fileb=:fb AND iterations=:iterations """, locals(), ) ) if len(results) == 0: return assert len(results) == 1 return results[0] def done(self, fa, fb, iterations): """ Retrieves row from db and only returns True if there's something in there and the timestamp is newer than the input files. """ row = self.get_row(fa, fb, iterations) if row: tfa = os.path.getmtime(fa) tfb = os.path.getmtime(fb) if (row["timestamp"] > tfa) and (row["timestamp"] > tfb): return True return False def run_and_insert(self, fa, fb, **kwargs): a = pybedtools.BedTool(fa).set_chromsizes(self.genome) kwargs["iterations"] = self.iterations results = a.randomstats(fb, **kwargs) self.add_row(results) def add_row(self, results): """ Inserts data into db. `results` is a dictionary as returned by BedTool.randomstats with keys like:: 'iterations' 'actual' 'file_a' 'file_b' self.fn other.fn 'self' 'other' 'frac randomized above actual' 'frac randomized below actual' 'median randomized' 'normalized' 'percentile' 'lower_%sth' % lower_thresh 'upper_%sth' % upper_thresh """ # translate results keys into db-friendly versions translations = [ ("file_a", "filea"), ("file_b", "fileb"), ("median randomized", "median"), ("frac randomized above actual", "fractionabove"), ("frac randomized below actual", "fractionbelow"), ] for orig, new in translations: results[new] = results[orig] results["timestamp"] = now() sql = """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO intersections ( filea, fileb, timestamp, actual, median, iterations, self, other, fractionabove, fractionbelow, percentile) VALUES ( :filea, :fileb, :timestamp, :actual, :median, :iterations, :self, :other, :fractionabove, :fractionbelow, :percentile) """ self.c.execute(sql, results) self.conn.commit() def create_matrix(self, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Matrix (implemented as a dictionary), where the final values are sqlite3.ROW objects from the database:: { filea: { filea: ROW, fileb: ROW, ...}, fileb: { filea: ROW, fileb: ROW, ...}, } } """ nfiles = len(self.beds) total = nfiles ** 2 i = 0 matrix = collections.defaultdict(dict) for fa in self.beds: for fb in self.beds: i += 1 if verbose: sys.stderr.write("%(i)s of %(total)s: %(fa)s + %(fb)s\n" % locals()) sys.stderr.flush() if not self.done(fa, fb, self.iterations): self.run_and_insert(fa, fb, **kwargs) matrix[get_name(fa)][get_name(fb)] = self.get_row( fa, fb, self.iterations ) return matrix def print_matrix(self, matrix, key): """ Prints a pairwise matrix of values. `matrix` is a dict-of-dicts from create_matrix(), and `key` is a field name from the database -- one of: ['filea', 'fileb', 'timestamp', 'actual', 'median', 'iterations', 'self', 'other', 'fractionabove', 'fractionbelow', 'percentile'] """