Source code for pybedtools.contrib.bigbed

import subprocess
import pybedtools

[docs] def bigbed( x, genome, output, blockSize=256, itemsPerSlot=512, bedtype=None, _as=None, unc=False, tab=False, ): """ Converts a BedTool object to a bigBed format and returns the new filename. `x` is a BedTool object `genome` is an assembly string `output` is the name of the bigBed file to create. Other args are passed to bedToBigBed. In particular, `bedtype` (which becomes the "-type=" argument) is automatically handled for you if it is kept as the default None. Assumes that a recent version of bedToBigBed from UCSC is on the path. """ if isinstance(x, str): x = pybedtools.BedTool(x) if not isinstance(x.fn, str): x = x.saveas() chromsizes = pybedtools.chromsizes_to_file(pybedtools.chromsizes(genome)) if bedtype is None: bedtype = "bed%s" % x.field_count() cmds = [ "bedToBigBed", x.fn, chromsizes, output, "-blockSize=%s" % blockSize, "-itemsPerSlot=%s" % itemsPerSlot, "-type=%s" % bedtype, ] if unc: cmds.append("-unc") if tab: cmds.append("-tab") if _as: cmds.append("-as=%s" % _as) p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise ValueError( "cmds: %s\nstderr:%s\nstdout:%s" % (" ".join(cmds), stderr, stdout) ) return output
[docs] def bigbed_to_bed(fn, chrom=None, start=None, end=None, maxItems=None): cmds = ["bigBedToBed", fn] if chrom is not None: cmds.extend(["-chrom", chrom]) if start is not None: cmds.extend(["-start", start]) if end is not None: cmds.extend(["-end", end]) if maxItems is not None: cmds.extend(["-maxItems", maxItems]) outfn = pybedtools.BedTool._tmp() cmds.append(outfn) p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise ValueError( "cmds: %s\nstderr:%s\nstdout:%s" % (" ".join(cmds), stderr, stdout) ) return pybedtools.BedTool(outfn)