Source code for metaseq.integration.chipseq

This module integrates parts of metaseq that are useful for ChIP-seq analysis.
import os
from itertools import izip
import gffutils
from gffutils.helpers import asinterval
import metaseq
import pybedtools
from metaseq.minibrowser import SignalMiniBrowser, GeneModelMiniBrowser
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import yaml

def save(c, prefix, relative_paths=True):
    Save data from a Chipseq object.

    c : Chipseq object
        Chipseq object, most likely after calling the `diffed_array` method

    prefix : str
        Prefix, including any leading directory paths, to save the data.

    relative_paths : bool
        If True (default), then the path names in the `` file will
        be relative to `prefix`.  Otherwise, they will be absolute.

    The following files will be created:

        A BED file (or GFF, GTF, or VCF as appropriate) of the features used for the array
        A YAML-format file indicating the IP and control BAM files, any array
        kwargs, the database filename, and any minibrowser local coverage args.
        These are all needed to reconstruct a new Chipseq object. Path names
        will be relative to `prefix`.

        A NumPy .npz file with keys 'diffed_array', 'ip_array', and 'control_array'

    dirname = os.path.dirname(prefix)

    pybedtools.BedTool(c.features).saveas(prefix + '.intervals')

    def usepath(f):
        if relative_paths:
            return os.path.relpath(f, start=dirname)
            return os.path.abspath(f)

    with open(prefix + '.info', 'w') as fout:
        info = {
            'ip_bam': usepath(c.ip.fn),
            'control_bam': usepath(c.control.fn),
            'array_kwargs': c.array_kwargs,
            'dbfn': usepath(c.dbfn),
            'browser_local_coverage_kwargs': c.browser_local_coverage_kwargs,
            'relative_paths': relative_paths,
        fout.write(yaml.dump(info, default_flow_style=False))

def load(prefix):
    info = yaml.load(open(prefix + '.info'))
    c = Chipseq(ip_bam=info['ip_bam'], control_bam=info['control_bam'],
    npz = np.load(prefix + '.npz', mmap_mode='r')
    c.ip_array = npz['ip_array']
    c.control_array = npz['control_array']
    c.diffed_array = npz['diffed_array']
    c.array_kwargs = info['array_kwargs']
    c.features = pybedtools.BedTool(prefix + '.intervals')
    c.browser_local_coverage_kwargs = info['browser_local_coverage_kwargs']
    return c

class GeneChipseqMiniBrowser(GeneModelMiniBrowser):
    def __init__(self, genomic_signal_objs, db, **kwargs):
        super(GeneChipseqMiniBrowser, self).__init__(
            genomic_signal_objs, db, **kwargs)

    def plot(self, feature):
        super(GeneChipseqMiniBrowser, self).plot(feature)
        ax1, ax2 = self.fig.axes

class SignalChipseqMiniBrowser(SignalMiniBrowser):
    def __init__(self, genomic_signal_objs, **kwargs):
        super(SignalChipseqMiniBrowser, self).__init__(
            genomic_signal_objs, **kwargs)

    def plot(self, feature):
        super(SignalChipseqMiniBrowser, self).plot(feature)
        ax1, = self.fig.axes

[docs]class Chipseq(object): """ Class for visualizing and interactively exploring ChIP-seq data. Needs two BAM files (for IP and control) and a gffutils database filename in order to display gene models. Typical usage is to create a normalized array of signal over each feature with the `diff_array` method, and then plot with the `plot` method. The resulting figure has the matrix as a heatmap, the average signal over features, and a panel with points that can be zoomed and clicked, spawning a mini-browser window for the corresponding feature. Configuration can be done by adjusting the following attributes after creating a Chipseq instance: * `_strip_kwargs` (the style for the dots in the left panel) * `browser_plotting_kwargs` (style of signal lines in the mini-browser) """
[docs] def __init__(self, ip_bam, control_bam, dbfn=None): """ Set up a :class:`Chipseq` object. :param ip_bam: filename of BAM file for ChIP data :param control_bam: filename of BAM file for control data :param dbfn: filename of gffutils database """ self.ip = metaseq.genomic_signal(ip_bam, kind='bam') self.control = metaseq.genomic_signal(control_bam, kind='bam') self.dbfn = dbfn self.db = None if self.dbfn: self.db = gffutils.FeatureDB(dbfn) self.ip_array = None self.control_array = None self._strip_kwargs = dict( color='.5', markeredgewidth=0, marker='o', linestyle='None', picker=5) self.browser_plotting_kwargs = [ dict(color='r', label='IP'), dict(color='k', linestyle=':', label='control') ]
[docs] def diff_array(self, features, force=True, func=None, array_kwargs=dict(), cache=None): """ Scales the control and IP data to million mapped reads, then subtracts scaled control from scaled IP, applies `func(diffed)` to the diffed array, and finally sets `self.diffed_array` to be the result. Arrays `self.ip` and `self.control` are set as well, and if `force=False`, then previously-created arrays will be used instead of re-calculating new ones. This is useful if you want to easily try multiple `func` functions without having to re-calculate the data. Another side-effect is that `self.features` is set so that it can be accesed by other methods. :param features: a list of pybedtools.Interval objects :param array_kwargs: extra keyword args passed to genomic_signal.array; typically this will include `bins`, `processes`, and `chunksize` arguments. :param func: a function to apply to the diffed arrays. By default this is :func:`metaseq.plotutils.nice_log`; another option might be `lambda x: x`, or `lambda x: 1e6*x` :param force: Force a re-calculation of the arrays; otherwise uses cached values """ self.features = list(features) self.browser_local_coverage_kwargs = array_kwargs.copy() self.browser_local_coverage_kwargs.pop('processes', None) self.browser_local_coverage_kwargs.pop('chunksize', 1) self.array_kwargs = array_kwargs.copy() if (self.ip_array is None) or force: self.ip_array = self.ip.array(features, **array_kwargs) self.ip_array /= self.ip.mapped_read_count() / 1e6 if (self.control_array is None) or force: self.control_array = self.control.array(features, **array_kwargs) self.control_array /= self.control.mapped_read_count() / 1e6 if func is None: #func = metaseq.plotutils.nice_log self.diffed_array = self.ip_array - self.control_array else: self.diffed_array = func(self.ip_array - self.control_array)
[docs] def plot(self, x, row_order=None, imshow_kwargs=None, strip=True): """ Plot the scaled ChIP-seq data. :param x: X-axis to use (e.g, for TSS +/- 1kb with 100 bins, this would be `np.linspace(-1000, 1000, 100)`) :param row_order: Array-like object containing row order -- typically the result of an `np.argsort` call. :param strip: Include axes along the left side with points that can be clicked to spawn a minibrowser for that feature. """ nrows = self.diffed_array.shape[0] if row_order is None: row_order = np.arange(nrows) extent = (min(x), max(x), 0, nrows) axes_info = metaseq.plotutils.matrix_and_line_shell(strip=strip) fig, matrix_ax, line_ax, strip_ax, cbar_ax = axes_info _imshow_kwargs = dict( aspect='auto', extent=extent, interpolation='nearest') if imshow_kwargs: _imshow_kwargs.update(imshow_kwargs) if 'cmap' not in _imshow_kwargs: _imshow_kwargs['cmap'] = metaseq.colormap_adjust.smart_colormap( self.diffed_array.min(), self.diffed_array.max() ) mappable = matrix_ax.imshow( self.diffed_array[row_order], **_imshow_kwargs) plt.colorbar(mappable, cbar_ax) line_ax.plot(x, self.diffed_array.mean(axis=0)) if strip_ax: line, = strip_ax.plot(np.zeros((nrows,)), np.arange(nrows) + 0.5, **self._strip_kwargs) line.features = self.features line.ind = row_order matrix_ax.axis('tight') if strip_ax: strip_ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) matrix_ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) matrix_ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) if self.db: self.minibrowser = GeneChipseqMiniBrowser( [self.ip, self.control], db=self.db, plotting_kwargs=self.browser_plotting_kwargs, local_coverage_kwargs=self.browser_local_coverage_kwargs) else: self.minibrowser = SignalChipseqMiniBrowser( [self.ip, self.control], plotting_kwargs=self.browser_plotting_kwargs, local_coverage_kwargs=self.browser_local_coverage_kwargs) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.callback) self.fig = fig self.axes = { 'matrix_ax': matrix_ax, 'strip_ax': strip_ax, 'line_ax': line_ax, 'cbar_ax': cbar_ax }
[docs] def callback(self, event): """ Callback function to spawn a mini-browser when a feature is clicked. """ artist = event.artist ind = artist.ind limit = 5 browser = True if len(event.ind) > limit: print "more than %s genes selected; not spawning browsers" % limit browser = False for i in event.ind: feature = artist.features[ind[i]] print feature, if browser: self.minibrowser.plot(feature)
def estimate_shift(signal, genome=None, windowsize=5000, thresh=None, nwindows=1000, maxlag=500, array_kwargs=None, verbose=False): """ Experimental: cross-correlation to estimate the shift width of ChIP-seq data This can be interpreted as the binding site footprint. For ChIP-seq, the plus and minus strand reads tend to be shifted in the 5' direction away from each other. Various ChIP-seq peak-callers estimate this distance; this function provides a quick, tunable way to do so using cross-correlation. The resulting shift can then be incorporated into subsequent calls to `array` by adding the shift_width kwarg. :param signal: genomic_signal object :param genome: String assembly for constructing windows :param nwindows: Number of windows to compute cross-correlation on :param windowsize: Size of each window to compute cross-correlation on. :param thresh: Threshold read coverage to run cross-correlation on. This is likely to be a function of the fragment size provided in `array_kwargs` `windowsize`. If `thresh` is small, then the cross correlation can be noisy. :param maxlag: Max shift to look for :param array_kwargs: Kwargs passed directly to genomic_signal.array, with the default of `bins=windowsize` for single-bp resolution, and `read_strand` will be overwritten. :param verbose: Be verbose. Returns lags and a `maxlag*2+1` x `nwindows` matrix of cross-correlations. You can then plot the average cross-correlation function with:: plt.plot(lags, shift.mean(axis=0)) and get the distance to shift with:: d = lags[np.argmax(shift.mean(axis=0))] and then plot that with:: plt.axvline(d, color='k', linestyle='--') The number of windows with at least `thresh` coverage is:: shift.shape[0] """ if thresh is None: thresh = 0 if genome is None: genome = signal.genome() if array_kwargs is None: array_kwargs = {} array_kwargs.pop('read_strand', None) if 'bins' not in array_kwargs: array_kwargs['bins'] = windowsize def add_strand(f, strand): fields = f.fields[:] while len(fields) < 5: fields.append('.') fields.append(strand) return pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(fields) windows = pybedtools.BedTool()\ .window_maker(genome=genome, w=windowsize) random_subset = pybedtools.BedTool(windows[:nwindows])\ .shuffle(genome=genome).saveas() if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Getting plus-strand signal for %s regions...\n" % nwindows) sys.stderr.flush() plus = signal.array( features=random_subset, read_strand="+", **array_kwargs).astype(float) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Getting minus-strand signal for %s regions...\n" % nwindows) sys.stderr.flush() minus = signal.array( features=random_subset, read_strand="-", **array_kwargs).astype(float) # only do cross-correlation if you have enough reads to do so enough = ((plus.sum(axis=1) / windowsize) > thresh) \ & ((minus.sum(axis=1) / windowsize) > thresh) if verbose: sys.stderr.write( "Running cross-correlation on %s regions that passed " "threshold\n" % sum(enough)) results = np.zeros((sum(enough), 2 * maxlag + 1)) for i, xy in enumerate(izip(plus[enough], minus[enough])): x, y = xy results[i] = xcorr(x, y, maxlag) lags = np.arange(-maxlag, maxlag + 1) return lags, results def xcorr(x, y, maxlags): """ Streamlined version of matplotlib's `xcorr`, without the plots. :param x, y: NumPy arrays to cross-correlate :param maxlags: Max number of lags; result will be `2*maxlags+1` in length """ xlen = len(x) ylen = len(y) assert xlen == ylen c = np.correlate(x, y, mode=2) # normalize c /= np.sqrt(, x) *, y)) lags = np.arange(-maxlags, maxlags + 1) c = c[xlen - 1 - maxlags:xlen + maxlags] return c if __name__ == "__main__": import sys choices = ['xcorr', 'chipseq'] try: examples = sys.argv[1:] except IndexError: print 'Choices are: ', choices examples = [] for ex in examples: if ex not in choices: raise ValueError('%s not in %s' % (ex, choices)) if 'xcorr' in examples: ip = metaseq.genomic_signal( metaseq.example_filename( 'wgEncodeUwTfbsK562CtcfStdAlnRep1.bam'), 'bam') NWINDOWS = 5000 FRAGMENT_SIZE = 1 WINDOWSIZE = 5000 THRESH = FRAGMENT_SIZE / float(WINDOWSIZE) * 10 lags, shift = estimate_shift( ip, nwindows=NWINDOWS, maxlag=500, thresh=THRESH, array_kwargs=dict( processes=8, chunksize=100, fragment_size=FRAGMENT_SIZE), verbose=True) plt.plot(lags, shift.mean(axis=0)) plt.axvline( lags[np.argmax(shift.mean(axis=0))], linestyle='--', color='k') if 'chipseq' in examples: # Example files... dbfn = metaseq.example_filename( 'Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.66.cleaned.gtf.db') C = Chipseq( ip_bam=metaseq.example_filename( 'wgEncodeUwTfbsK562CtcfStdAlnRep1.bam'), control_bam=metaseq.example_filename( 'wgEncodeUwTfbsK562InputStdAlnRep1.bam'), dbfn=dbfn) # Make some features to use (TSS +/- 1kb) def generator(): G = gffutils.FeatureDB(dbfn) genes = G.features_of_type('gene') for i in range(5000): yield asinterval( from pybedtools.featurefuncs import TSS features = pybedtools.BedTool(generator())\ .each(TSS, upstream=1000, downstream=1000)\ .saveas() # x-axis for plots x = np.linspace(-500, 500, 100) # Create the array C.diff_array( features=features, array_kwargs=dict( fragment_size=200, bins=100, chunksize=50, processes=6)) # sort genes by TIP zscore row_order = np.argsort( metaseq.plotutils.tip_zscores(C.diffed_array))[::-1] # Plot 'em using a nice red-to-blue colormap from metaseq.colormap_adjust import smart_colormap cmap = smart_colormap(C.diffed_array.min(), C.diffed_array.max()) C.plot(x=x, row_order=row_order, imshow_kwargs=dict(cmap=cmap))